
Wednesday, February 15, 2012

My new "thing"

I have a new "thing" that I have fallen in love with!
Cloth diapers!
I know, its nothing new, but its new to me! I always remember people talking about it, but never wanted to add pooper scooper to my already busy routine! I was rethinking cloth, because Jax gets really deep, red lines on his thighs from diapers, and a couple weeks ago I had an epiphany! Jaxson doesn't poop! He poops once a night when I give him his enema. So why in the world have I not been using cloth on him?
So I bought 4 Fuzzibunz cloth diapers, and decided to give it a go.
The size of these diapers are a bit small, they don't go up high enough, so they do leak if he's been given his diuretic. We do need to go up a size, but I'm hooked!
I mean, look how snazzy he looks! (and notice the little stinker in the corner that thinks every picture should involve her!)

Have you seen a cuter tushy?

The best part, his inner thighs aren't screaming anymore! These diapers are super soft! No red marks here!

Cloth diapers are definitely expensive to start, but I love that I won't have to buy disposables any more. I'll use disposables to give Jax his enema, but thats it.
I'm now considering using cloth for Arina! I've been to a couple Facebook pages and bought some diapers there for cheap.
We'll see how it goes with her, I'm still not so sure about the poop clean up!
But its amazing when you think of how much waste goes to the dump from diapers alone! A whole heck of a lot!
I'm feeling pretty environmentally savvy right now.

And the best part... we have one happy warrior boy!


  1. Hi! I read your blog all the time, but never comment. I have 3 kiddos in cloth diapers right now, and just wanted to tell you not to be afraid of the poop! You have to deal with it either way. I actually think life is easier with cloth because they keep the poo-splosions at bay! Not once have I ever had a poo leak in cloth. Check out a diaper sprayer. Then I think you'll really be hooked. I can't remember the name, but I know I've seen some mama's that sell cloth diapers that are larger or have extra absorbency for special needs kiddos. Etsy and Hyena Cart would probably be a couple good places to start checking for things like that. Good luck on your cloth adventure!

  2. love the cloth diapers. we buy the cheap(around $3 for 30), disposable, diaper inserts at babiesrus and put them in our cloth diapers. It takes care of the leaking issue.

  3. You can get these biodegradable liners to put in the cloth diaper...then when they poop the poop sticks to it and then you dump the entire thing in the toilet. Easy peasy. Can't think of the name right now but I will and I'll comment again. LOVED cloth for my kids. It's an addiction and they are super super cute.

  4. You can buy flushable liners if you don't want to deal with the poop, just throw the poopy liner in the toilet and you don't have to deal with washing the poop away. is GREAT for buying used!

  5. So Im not sure if I can figure out how to comment, but I have fallen in love with yall and I have a question.....
    Why dont you get nursing services?
    Im a home health nurse for a vent kiddo and cant see why he would not qualify.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Let me try that again! Colleen, if you see this, Jax doesn't get nursing because my private insurance will NOT pay for it. He does not qualify for Medicaid, although we are trying to get him on the waiver here in California. If he gets on the waiver, than he will finally get nursing!

  8. I use cloth diapers on my Jaxson!His orphanage used them so i said why not?Home 2 yrs and alot richer now not having to buy diapers!I have a diaper sprayer for the icky ones and i use a certan soap to wash the diapers in.The best part of all he always has a cute booty!I love his zebra diaper oh and his denim..Ok cant decided they are all cute!You will love cloth diapering!

  9. Oh you may check out They have the most adorable boy and girl diapers!These are what i use and love them.Some of them are soft on the outside too!

  10. Cloth dipes are the best! I used them for quite a long time with V. Once she start walking I plan on switching back. I made our own wipes, wipe solution and detergent. It was fun.

  11. jaxon looks so adorable in his fuzzi bunz. we're big FB fans here - and even better are charlie banana (in my opinion, anyway).they're very similar to fuzzibunz. they are pricey to start, but wow, the savings!!! i love how soft they are, my son also gets red marks from disposable.

    obviously, you've got a pretty good response to the cloth diaper idea - so if you've got questions, i'm sure w've all got answers!


  12. Oh, that last photo made me melt! So glad you've found something more comfortable for him. Plus they are super cute!

  13. Awe he is so cute. Love those diapers..nothing better than cloth in my opinion. Hugs

  14. Well, he is just such a doll, you can really see his personality in that last pic!:) Don't know if I'll go down the cloth diaper road...Lillian is a poop machine. Good ole miralax.

  15. I've always been intrigued by cloth diapers...but just too lazy...ha! So glad Jax is loving them though...
    and google cloth diapers giveaways...bloggers do them all the time...I'll be on the lookout for them too for you

  16. YAY so glad they worked so well for him. Environmentally friendly and super cute what could be better?

  17. Love that pic of Jax! He looks so sweet, yet devious in it! He is so handsome! My sister cloth diapers and loves it. I've considered doing them with Gavin, but he leaks a lot in disposable ones, plus his poopy diapers are extremely messy! Maybe I'll buy 1 or 2 and give it a try.

  18. Are all the states different on special needs? He should qualify based on his disability for medicaid. I am in PA. My daughter is special needs. Here also, if the child has ACCESS(medicaid) we can get diapers/pullups/depends too if the child is over 3.

  19. Love the princess sneaking into the corner of the picture!

    Way to go with cloth! I don't think I'd be up for the cleanup, but for Jax they seem to be perfect!

  20. Please check out my Facebook page at the following link:!/profile.php?id=100002957373588&sk=wall&notif_t=wall

    I sell cloth diapers from home because I stay home with my kids. I have an online cloth diaper business and my prices are really awesome!
