
Thursday, September 15, 2011

Some great things

Remember this?

Grab this Button!
Its where Jaxson got his Ipad after the whole scandal. Well his post is up on the blog, go read it, there was a surprise in there.
I found out that our dear friends, Joyce and Sarah, were responsible for Jax getting his Ipad, they donated and wanted the money to go to his.
I love Joyce so much, and how do I ever repay her? She made beautiful quilts for Arina and Jax, and now this!
I'm just glad that I had the opportunity to meet them both in person when they were in Utah for a quilt convention.

Thank you, thank you Joyce, I cannot say that enough. We love you so much!

Ipossible is so close to meeting their goal. If you haven't already, please consider making a small donation. Just click on the button above!

One more thing, my blog was nominated today for a best blog award. I'm touched! I know there are much bigger and more popular blogs, but if you have a second go vote for us please!


  1. Isn't it amazing?? I couldn't tell you before.I wanted to, but It wasn't my place. We needed to wait and now you know and we can all sit back and soak in the the goodness of so many people that enter our lives and truly come to care for us... even here in cyberspace. It's a wonderful thing and this Mission has been such a blessing.In many ways I cannot say and perhaps will never be able.

    *I hope Ray come sand watches some football with us! Maybe Mark will make some of his famous chicken wings for the occasion!

  2. But you didn't say pretty please!!! LOL

  3. WOW! Joyce and Sarah are so AWESOME!

  4. Yay! And I just voted for your blog. :-)

  5. LOVE the pictures!!!! Amazing. I'm so glad Jax got his IPad! No one deserves it more!!!!

  6. so cool! Joyce does so much good. How does she have time for everything? Amazing!
