
Saturday, September 17, 2011

Current princess stats!

First things first! I finally have a new post up on the blankie blog! Maybe I'm finally getting back in business over there! Yippee! The blankie blog is somewhat of a mess right now. The person that did my blog has disappeared, along with my background, and I am NOT a blog maker. So if someone wants to volunteer, we'd be super grateful!

Also, while Jax was in the hospital, I ran into an old co worker, who informed me she had a Down syndrome baby boy! I was super excited for her, but she is feeling like she doesn't know how to take care of him, or any resources. I helped her, but I also told her to give me her blog, and that I could introduce her to literally hundreds of families, all over the country! My blog is where I've met so many friends, even friends that live right near me were met online first. So please click here to go to her blog and make her feel welcome into this fantastic friendship! Her name is Ashley and her little guy is Brunton!

The princess had her two year check up on Friday. She weighs in at 20 lbs, and is right smack in the middle of the growth chart. Developmentally she is doing fantastic. The only thing my ped said is she might benefit from some speech therapy since she doesn't have any words yet. She has many signs. Please, thank you, daddy, mommy, baby, eat, more, play, all done, and milk.
She is still working on walking, but she will stand up against the couch and just take off all by herself. That girl is motivated!
She needs her vision checked, and hearing re checked, since my ped can't see in her ears at all! We are going to do an overnight oximetry, to see if she needs her sleep study repeated after her tonsils and adenoids came out. But really thats it. Her thyroids are still normal, so we are still med free with our princess. And it seems like her aspirating is getting better, because she only coughs when drinking thin juice.
And of course, she has the whole office wrapped around her little finger. Nobody wanted to be the one to give her 5 shots. Her flu shot, and catching her up on her immunizations. Even though she was immunized in Ukraine, they always redo them because sometimes those countries have old and expired shots.
Basically, she's doing fantastic!

*I have to say that I tried really hard to find a way to crop my fat baby belly out of this picture. But its impossible, and the picture is too cute of her not to post!


  1. Great news on the Princess' check up! As for the last photo, you both look Beautiful!

  2. Wonderful news on your little princess. Love the last look great. Hugs

  3. hey other than a few spelling errors on my parent its ok except the line on meeting you says Becky instead. May want to fix. Tired then and now. So glad its going better there

  4. Love the last picture of you and the princess! I am so glad she is doing so well...thanks to you and your family for making her your own :-)

  5. Gabriel is adorable :) Did you try just using a standard background from blogger on that site?

  6. oh Lacey - you make me laugh! You look great! Arina is beautiful - those eyes....

  7. Black is slimming girl don't you know. You girls look great! Glad to hear she is continuing to do so well.

  8. have you seen this?

  9. Love the pics of Arina, and you too! Going to check out the new blog! Hugs!!

  10. You truly are an inspiration, I love reading your blog and seeing your pics. I have three kids a 4, almost 3, and 1 year old, lots of fun.

  11. Glad all is well with Arina!! She and Claire are just about the same size. That must be why they always have the same clothes. :)
