Sunday, April 17, 2011

Stop the clock please!

Time is flying by like the speed of light! I need it to slow down, way down!
I was hoping to have my house on the market by our Make a Wish trip. Then I realized that our trip is two weeks away!
What the heck? Where is the time going?
There is no way my house is going to be ready to go on the market in two weeks. Now I know that I need to get my butt in gear and get this house ready, or our family will never be together in California!
I'm frustrated beyond words because we still haven't received our adoption tax credit. I know many adoptive families are in our same boat. Some families are planning on using this money for another adoption. We need it to replenish our savings we drained when adopting Arina. Without this money I can't get Ray into an apartment. Soon we won't be able to afford to fly him home as much as we'd like. He's tired of living out of his suitcase, in a less than ideal living situation.
I'm just trying to remember that good will come, I have to be patient, but man its hard!!

This weekend with daddy here was of course, another whirlwind. Friday and Saturday morning we worked on getting the front yard beautiful, so there's one thing crossed off the list.
We played with the kids, daddy soaked up every minute of them. I'm amazed that Arina is never afraid of Ray when he comes home. She doesn't forget, she knows who her daddy is!

Jaxson had some great smiles for daddy!

Carter had his first superleague games on Saturday. Back to back games, that really sucked, because the boys were exhausted for the second game. I'm hoping our next games have breaks in between.
The first game was a nailbiter. We held them and won by one point! They were so tired for the second game that they weren't able to hold the other team back.
I can tell Carter still needs to build his confidence back up. He is doing fabulous in practice, almost hitting home runs, which is unheard of by an 8 year old. But after his verbally abusive coaches in his fall league, he still has to remember that these coaches love him, and he doesn't have to worry about being screamed at! Its amazing how much damage coaches can do. This is an allstar player, reduced to nothing by belittling words. It was hard because I wanted to pull him out, but Ray didn't want him thinking he could just quit if it got rough. I don't know who was right, only that Carter just shut down. He quit hitting, and he just plain quit playing!
His new team is coaches he had two years ago. They adore him, and when they formed this team, even though its a 10 year old team, they asked Carter to play for them! I'm excited to see how this team progresses!

Jax has an echo and cardiology appointment tomorrow. I'm nervous about his echo, but want the info, because it will tell us if we definitely need to go back to the cath lab and see whats going on with his little body. Then I have to decide who's going to do the cath. Yikes!


Scrappy quilter said...

Lacey you have so much going on right now. I pray you take a few minutes just for you. Your kids are so stinking cute. Those smiles of Jax...melts the heart. And your little princess, what a cutie pie. I hope Carter's year of baseball is the best one yet. Hugs

Grizzly Bear said...

Awww those pics are just so precious :) Jaxson's smile adorable and very sweet.

Cammie Heflin said...

Absolutely LOVE the Jax smiles!

Unknown said...

Wow I am not sure how you are still in your right mind!! you ROCK! I LOVE Jax smile-perfection...good luck with everything! most of all getting your family all together! smiles

Heather said...

The pictures of Jax... love that boy.Arina too but Jax,oh man,just melts my heart.

So many things to look forward to .. your trip a move,new beginnings.Stressful yes,but in the end,will be so worth it.

Praying that tax credit shows up soon.

Jen Paris said...

Lacey, is there a day this week or next I can come help you with some stuff at your house? I'm serious, I would love to. I can help you pack, clean, paint, watch the kids, box stuff up, then I can get some time with those cute kiddos before you guys are gone. :) You can call me or email me jenandmartyparis at

The VW's said...

LOVE those smiles from Jax!!! What a sweetie! And, as always, Arina is adorable!

I was just talking to my husband about time.....I've decided it's my worst enemy! Too much to get done, and not enough time! Of course, you have me beat with your hectic schedule and to-do list! Praying you can get everything in order smoothly!

Corinne Judy Smith said...

Loved all the smiles! Good luck on getting the house ready! I want to move so badly, but then I look around and don't even want to start. Bleh!

Becca said...

Oh, those smiles from both Jax and Arina can light a whole city!!! Beautiful children you have there, Lacey. :-) How wonderful that Carter's got a great team this year! So sad that he was so demotivated by his previous coaches.

Mama Mason-Mann said...

Moving is NEVER easy and you have so much going on on top of it! I hope Ray gets to come home as much as you like, you get your adoption credit and the house sells quickly! Thinking of you all!!!!

Mama Mason-Mann said...

and by the way, as always, the pictures are amazing. Jax's smile just warms my heart!

Amy said...


Anonymous said...

Wow! No kidding you need things to slow down. Praying things will start to fall into place soon. Really sorry to hear about Carter's past experience this fall. Sometimes people just don't think about how fragile little people are. Hopefully this league will build him back up. As always, loving the pics!

Shelly Turpin said...

oh my goodness those are awesome pics of the kids!!!

Kellan's momma said...

love the pics of both cuties!!

Melissa said...

Arina is a doll, as always!, but I just love Jax's smiles!!

Twilson9608 said...

They are too cute and their expressions are priceless!