Wednesday, April 27, 2011

A ray of sunshine!

Monday, literally as I was hitting the publish button on my last post, Ray walked in with the mail. There was two boxes. When I saw that they were from JEllens house of fabric, I knew it was our quilt from dear Sarah. Sarah and her mom are making quilts for kids adopted through Reeces Rainbow. But I was surprised to see a box for Jax from them as well.
When I opened them, I pulled out the most beautiful quilts I've ever seen!
So beautiful, in fact, that I don't even want to use them, for fear of getting them dirty!!

These quilts are so special, knowing that one of our favorite friends made them!

It's not an answer to our problems, but it brings a ray of sunshine to my day. And reminds me that I'm truly lucky for the friends in my life! And for my little munchkins!!


Corinne Judy Smith said...

WOW!! What talent! Those are truly beautiful!

Jen Paris said...

I was pretty much going to leave the same comment as Corinne. They are so BEAUTIFUL!

Not a Perfect Mom said...

they are so beautiful...I'm always in awe of people who have that sort of talent

ParkerMama said...

Oh, how I LOVE quilts. I wonder how much it would cost to have one made for Parker.


Stephanie said...

A treasure! So beautiful!!! There are some mighty amazing people here in blogland!

Mama Mason-Mann said...

They ARE beautiful! What a wonderful surprise! You needed a little cheer. And thank goodness for little munchkins!

Colleen said...

Those are beautiful quilts and they look good with your little munchkins!

Runningmama said...

Wow, awesome quilts! I love the pics of these two cuties!

Unknown said...

They are so beautiful! Praying more rays of sunshine come your way!

Shelly Turpin said...

beautiful - just beautiful!

Team Carter Jay said...

They are amazing!!!

Becca said...

Ohmygosh, those quilts are GORGEOUS!!!!!! Wow, wow, wow. Joyce and Sarah are awesome. :-)

The VW's said...

They are gorgeous! How thoughtful of Joyce and Sarah! Glad they brightened your day! :)

Alison said...

What gorgeous gifts!

Kristin said...

Wow - those are incredible!

Heather said...

The blankets are gorgeous!! (So are the kids:-)

Cammie Heflin said...

They are gorgeous!!! SO jealous!

Jeana said...

Those quilts are amazing! Thanks for talking with me about the o2 the other day, we finally found what we needed....I hope :)

Heather said...

Just amazing and beautiful... the quilts,your kids,Joyce and Sarah ... all of it,just beautiful!

kecia said...

What perfect timing!! They are gorgeous! They are amazing people!

Michelle said...

Beautiful. I love quilts, such a precious gift. Use it, they would want you to use it. I love the pic of the two of them under it together. Praying for you.

Anonymous said...

What gorgeous quilts! That's a wonderful gift. You deserve a little sunshine in all your chaos.

Melissa said...

I love quilts, and those are absolutely amazing!!

Paper Lace and Card Nook said...

These beautiful quilts bring joy into your hearts and so much into your little ones hearts. May every happiness always be with your wonderful family.