
Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Arina the sponge

Our trip to the dentist went off without a hitch! We are now 2 years with no cavities! The dentist doesn't think Tanner or Carter will need braces (thank God!) I don't know where these kids get their good teeth, its not from me or daddy!

Arina is such a crack up! She's developing this little personality, and its too cute! Remember how much she loved the water bottle?
She is moving all over the house now. We consistently find her coming down the hall to find us in our bedroom
Uh, excuse me, could you move the basket so I can come in???

We are getting all the crazy things DS kids can do with their low tone. Jax stays in the same spot I lay him down in. Arina has her legs all over the place!

Seriously, I have no idea how she did this!!

She is using her hands more and more. Now that we've gotten the ok to try table foods, there is nothing this girl won't eat! If she see's you with food, she's there in a heartbeat begging for a taste. We finally got her to wave! Yipee!! Now we are going to choose one sign, and start using it with her. We decided if it was anything to do with food, she'd pick it up fast! So we are doing the sign more. She has to sign more anytime she wants anything, including food.
Here's her wave.

She is also pulling herself to standing a lot. Yesterday she pulled herself all the way up on our TV stand, then she got stuck. Her hands were too high for her to try and let go and sit on her butt. Of course I did what every good mom does. Snap a picture before rescuing her!


  1. I'm so in love with her! Look at all the wonderful things she's doing! Arina is really blossoming. I wish I lived close to you so I could get my hands on her and Jax!
    Ruby is crazy flexible like that,too. :)

  2. That water spray video is the BEST!!!! She is doing amazing!!!!

  3. She's SO cute!!

    We used a crib shield for Ruby -- she always got stuck between the bars. Something like this:

  4. It's wonderful to see her blossoming. Love the picture of her standing up and look at her hair. It's getting so long.

    Lots of hugs (don't feel bad about donating okay.)

  5. Both videos are adorable! The water bottle one made me her laugh!

  6. Love the videos, especially the water bottle one!

  7. So fun! So did she wake up screaming or get her leg out on her own?! :)

  8. Wow - it is amazing to see her blossoming under your care!

  9. Oh she is such a hoot! love her little spaghetti leg wrapped around the crib.

  10. Love the water bottle video! Oh, she is just the cutest thing, one day maybe I'll get to meet her in person!

  11. you have your hands full!! I LOVE IT!! I cannot wait to see her at a spray park!! smiles

  12. I just LOVE her! She is simply adorable!

  13. OMG! She is sooo cute! Love your kiddos. Your pictures always make my day.

  14. Thanks so much for posting these, I was in splits watching the water spray video she is just HILARIOUS!!! What on earth was she trying to say, love how she kept coming back for another squirt...she is adorable!!

  15. That crib picture is hilarious! She is just sleeping with her little leg braided in there.

  16. I can't get enough of that girl. Adorable, cracking up at the leg in the crib slats. Gumby I tell ya.

  17. That one picture made me cramp up just looking at it! She is so dang cute!

  18. Ok, that video with the squirt bottle had me laughing out loud...too cute.

  19. so cute - we were all laughing over here! How we love that little princess!

  20. Oh my goodness she is so squishably cute!!!

  21. She's such a little beauty. Hugs to Jax!

  22. LOL that first video is hilarious! What a little character!

  23. She is such a doll! Claire sleeps like a crazy lady too. Her legs are always every which way.

    Claire's best sign right now is 'all done'. Which I love, but she says 'all done' to EVERYTHING she doesn't want to do. Don't want to practice walking, sign all done. Don't want your nose wiped, sign all done. Oh well, at least she is cute while telling me no. :)

  24. My boys don't know how to play either, other than get the ball in the hole. I spend a wasted 30 min one day trying to teach them the right way before I gave up and then we all enjoyed the game so much more. Really who cares? As long as they are physically doing something, I sure don't. They'll learn when they are older.

  25. OH MY GOODNESS - she could not be any cuter if she tried! Love that sweet face! :o)
