Wednesday, September 8, 2010


Sorry friends, I was playing with the settings on my blog and accidently put it to private! We are up and running!
Oh and I bought my plane tickets to Eastern Europe today.


Courtney said...

I am so glad that it is "up" again!! I came to check in on you guys and was sad to find it private!! Blessings to you and your family!!

A Praying Mom in Kentucky

Anonymous said...

Glad you got it fixed I was really sad when it went private

Anonymous said...

Welcome back! Glad to see you up and going! And yeah for plane tickets!!!

Alison said...

How exciting!! When do you leave?

Evie's Story said...

Thats amazing! YES! We have spent time in Cherkassy. We were living in Kiev, but involved with a ministry that ran summer camps for orphans in Cherkassy. Small world huh?

Bet you are over the moon excited. We are so thrilled for you to be about ready to meet your little girl!

Joyce said...

TICKETS!!!! Wooohooo!!!!!!

Tina said...

Wow you got your tickets...hard to believe, so when does that mean you#re going?? Can#t wait!!

mandd3 said...

That is so exciting! It's really real! I hope something works out so you can feel comfortable getting on that plane, and only think about taking your beautiful baby girl home!

Anonymous said...

wooooohoooo...starting to feel sooo real now. She's been waiting for you mama!! She's yours, she's the one! I am thrilled for you!

Alicia said...

I am so sorry I have dropped out of blogland again! Shame on me! But I have been keeping up with you and I am so glad to hear that Makayla's adoption is finally up and running. How exciting!

Looks like you are keeping yourself busy as usual!

Makenzies Miracle said...

PLANE TICKETS!!! That is amazing news!!!!

Kristin said...


Michelle Smith said...

You scared me I know you don't know me but I've been following your blog for a while now and I'm just in love with your family! My name is Michelle Smith from Woodland, Ca by the way.

The VW's said...

WOW! I bet you are so excited! When do you leave to get your sweet girl? Hugs!!!

Shelly Turpin said...

glad y'all are back up - I was scared for a minute! :) The Zoo looks like fun. And the tickets - I am so excited!! Wish I could sneak into your suitcase!

PS - we are starting our home study - can't believe it.

April said...

How exciting to have your tickets purchased. You're almost there!

Anne and Whitney: Up, Down and All Around said...

yeah - so happy you bought your plane tickets!!! it is getting so close :)