Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Jaxson's got mail!

Look what came in the mail for Jaxson today!!

I'm so excited that Jaxson gets a wish. If anyone deserves a wish, its my little miracle boy!

He gets this special note, and a little castle with something special inside.

Its a key! This key opens the wishing room door at Make a wish. Thats a secret room for children to throw a coin in the pond and make a wish.

I talked to our wish granter today. We are going to call when we get back and we'll go do his wishing ceremony with the key.
We've been trying to think of a good wish for him. Thats a tough one for a child with severe cognitive delays!
I think we are going to do Disney World. Even though we do Disneyland a lot, the make a wish "Give kids the world" is supposed to be super cool. Jax loves music, and characters, and people. We are going to see if they have swimming with the dolphins, because Jax loves the water, and dolphins are supposed to be very theraputic for special needs kids.


The VW's said...

YAY! So exciting!!! Hope your busy week is going well! Hugs!!!

Meghann said...

I can think of no one else who deserve a wish!

Rochelle said...

Disney world sounds great. I think he would love it. Can't wait to see him swimming with the dolphins!

Anonymous said...

Yeah for little man!!!! I can't wait for you all to make some amazing memories together!!!!

Not a Perfect Mom said...

that is soooo awesome! Disney would be great! I can look up anything you want info on, we live right here...
I am so excited for you guys!

ANewKindOfPerfect said...

Lacey, I love this! We are right behind you in the process. We are thinking GKTW too, and I was just telling my Mom that we should swim with dolphins. :)

Dotty said...

This is truely amazing! He so deserves this! What a treat for a amazing lil Guy.

Heather said...

So excited for Jaxson.For all of you.Big things happening in the Rugg household and we couldn't think of a more deserving family.

Love to you all ... countdown to Makayla!!!

Jessica said...

I have tears in my eyes right now! I am so happy and excited for that kiddo!!!

Alison said...

That's fantastic - Disney World sounds great.

Junior said...

Congrats, so excited for Jax and your family.

EN said...

Mickey will be one lucky little mouse when Jaxson rolls into town! This is terrific, heart-warming news!

Mama Mason-Mann said...

WONDERFUL news! Jax deserves the world! ;)

Loren Stow said...

How Awesome! I think swimming with the dolphins is such a great wish!

Becca said...

How WONDERFUL!!! He so deserves a wish. He's the most amazing little trooper.

Tia said...

We went to Give Kids the World about 15 years ago. I know it' changed quite a bit since then (thanks, hurricane), but oh it was a truly magical place. And what better? You do Disney enough to know that he will enjoy it, there should be enough there for his brothers to enjoy and hopefully enough familiarity for T not to go off at the deep end, and GKTW village to top everything off and to know that you will all be safe with excellent medical care.

The Lehnick Family said...

How exciting...Jax you definately deserve this WISH!

To Love Endlessly said...

how exciting!!! swimming with the dolphins sounds like a wonderful wish!

Tina said...

YAY that is so exciting. Can't wait to read about the wish you do end up choding. I am sure whatever it is you are going to be making some very precios memories.

Stephanie said...

That is awesome! i'm so happy for all of you!!!

Corinne Judy Smith said...

How exciting! I think my hormones are crazy because I seriously starting crying after reading this... well, this and what Belinda put on your page (day after tomorrow!!) What a memory if you can actually get Jax to swim with dolphins!

Shelly Turpin said...

How cool!!! SO very exciting!
When do you leave? You have been on my mind so much lately!

Melissa said...

I can't wait to hear more about his wish when you get back!

Cole said...

Oh- Happy Wishing Jax! That's so awesome!

Kellianne said...

My brother and his family went to DW with Make a Wish and they LOVED it! Have fun!

Anonymous said...

That is me chills. You are right, if anyone deserves this, Jax does!

Debbie said...

Give kids the World was amazing. I loved it as much as the rest of the wish trip. You will have a fabulous time. Our daughter's trip was this last Nov.