Thursday, August 12, 2010

Last night (knock on wood)

Tonight should be our last night. The plan is still to go home tomorrow. It was a fight with the RT's because we are supposed to room in after our last class. But the attending fought for me to get us home tomorrow. After my nervous breakdown this morning, finding out that once again, our dossier wasn't submitted. When I got to the hospital this morning I looked like I'd been run over by a truck. My eyes were puffy and red. The poor attending thought something serious was wrong. But she knew she had to get us home ASAP, before I need the looney bin!
They are doing an upper GI today to see if his nissen is intact. And tomorrow before we go we will do another echo to see what his pressures are after starting drugs and the vent at night.
Jax looks good. And I can't wait to get home and do summer stuff again. Just live life, not live in a hospital. Thats what I want for him!

I bought him a portable DVD player that I could put on his bed. It seems to be a big hit!!


Melissa said...

I'm so glad you get to go home tomorrow. It's a great place to be!

Sweet Pea's Mommy said...

I'm so glad to hear that you will hopefully be coming home tomorrow! I'll think positive thoughts that nothing delays that.

I'm sorry to hear about the dossier! That is ridiculous!!!! I wish there was something I could do to help. I bet you wish there was something YOU could do. Insanity!!!

Kristin said...

Thought a lot about you today. My dad had another stroke and is in the ICU at the new IHC in Murray. We gave the DNR orders. They didn't expect him to make it through the day. But he did. I can't imagine having to make that decision for a child.

Rochelle said...

Tomorrow is a good day to go home from the hospital. Praying that tonight is your last night as Jax doesn't pull any fast tricks!

Anne and Whitney: Up, Down and All Around said...

so happy you can go home tomorrow! so so so sorry again about the dossier issue - is there any way to find out why it did not go since you for sure have all of the paperwork? is there anyone helping you out with this???!!!

hope the gi goes well and that you can get home early enough tomorrow to enjoy the whole weekend! love that the dvd player is a hit with jaxson :)

April said...

So good to see you today!! HOORAY for HOME! Can't wait for you to get back to Summer and the adventures ahead!

Alison said...

So glad you're going home soon. I really hope your paperwork gets submitted soon - how unbelievably frustrating!

Holly W said...

praying you get to take sweet Jax home and get more cutsie smiles out of him!!
So sorry about your dossier, can't imagine how frustrating it all must be for you!

Mama Mason-Mann said...

OH I so hope everything works out so you can go home tomorrow!!!! Thinking happy positive thoughts. Soooo sorry to hear about the dossier. what a drag! Not what you needed right now.

Cammie Heflin said...

So glad you will be coming home. Thank God!

Anonymous said...

Sweet sweet boy I wish I could hold you and give you a love!

Tina said...

Keeping my fingers crossed that you get to go home tomorrow. Despite everything he is going through Jax does look well in the pictures. So happy to see his face again wish I could hold him and love him.

I haven't been over to Makayla's blog as yet but didn't like the heading. have to get there right now and read what's going on. Please don't get yourself down...this waiting is the worst I know but everything will be worth it in the end!

Jessica said...

I love this boy so much. I have been thinking so much about you and him. And I've decided you were placed in my life for a spacific reason.

mandd3 said...

Praying for you Lacey, and Jax and Makayla too.

Unknown said...

i am having a hard tim keeing up with you guys. things over here are horrible and i havent been keeping up with anyone as i should be.
i miss you all rather so!

i hope things clear up so i can be back around for more than 5 seconds!!

praying for you all!

The VW's said...

Love those pics of your sweet boy! He is such a handsome guy!

Glad to hear that Jax is looking and doing good and that you will probably be home tonight! Praying he continues to do well and stays that way!

Love, Hugs and Prayers!!!

Browning Family said...

WE LOVE YOU JAX! You are such a trooper and give your sweet mama some of your beautiful smiles today. She needs your smiles -

Lacey - keep pluggin along. Your doing awesome. God has this all under control. Right down to the timing of your dossier submission.
Don't sweat it. Just stay focused on family and fun right now. All that other will work out just fine.

Kelly said...

Yay for HOME!!! Praying that everything falls into place and that you & Jax will be home having some summer fun soon!

Keeping you all in our thoughts & prayers!!

Corinne Judy Smith said...

He looks so much better in these pictures! At least there is a silver lining to all this chaos in your life... you get to go home with your little guy!

Anonymous said...

Yeah for Jax and Yeah for you. So glad he should be coming home today. He does look good and it looks like he is loving the DVD player. Hoping you can get some rest now too.

Emily said...

Praying for a "return home day" tomorrow!

Shelly Turpin said...

I am glad that there is a plan to get you home and I just can't believe what the hold up could be. Meanwhile that little girl sits there/ - so sorry Lacey