
Monday, May 24, 2010

A trip to the zoo!

Its almost June for God's sake!

As you can see from the picture above, that was taken this morning, its been a very cold, dreary spring! Yesterday was chilly, but we decided that would be a good day to go to the zoo. The animals tend to be more active when its not super hot.

This is what Jax did most of the time at the zoo. which is a good thing, because when he's awake, he needs constant suctioning. It makes it not so fun to take him places anymore. Which negates my whole feeling of including him in everything! But look closely at this picture, do you see anything unusual?

Yeah that's a nice, big bee on my son's chest! I had no idea it was in this picture. Gives me the willies just looking at it! This kid is a bee magnet. When he was barely out of the hospital from his 4 month stay, our first outing with him, he had a hornet on his chest. I didn't see it and I put him over my shoulder. He started fussing and when I brought him down I saw it. I totally freaked out because I'm terrified of bees. It had stung him like 3 times. I was scared to death he was going to have some weird reaction, after all, he had just spent the last 4 months fighting for his life. We were still extremely nervous about his health.
Anyway, we saw our cute new baby elephant. She is so sweet, and reminded me of a human toddler!

And of course, my favorite, the orangutan!

Orangutans remind me of DS kids. No I'm not totally crazy, they have the same little noses and round eyes. I mean, look at this sweet face, it looks just like Jax when he was a baby down to the red hair sticking straight up!

And you know your child's legs can do this!!


  1. Ughh! Seriously, it's snowing out there? We're just getting ready to head your way. The bee kind of cracks me up (but only because he looks like he's posing in the pic) lol!

  2. We haven't had snow, but we've had lots of dreary rain lately. Sounds like you had a good day at the zoo!

  3. Looks like a fun trip to the zoo (minus the bee!). We would take a bit of the cold weather it went from winter to summer here overnight and of course our ac needs freon but, so does everyone else in towns so it might be a few days. UGH!

  4. glad to hear you had a nice time at the zoo! That stinks about the weather! :( I hate dreary weather!

  5. So sorry to hear you have snow. Uggh! Those photos are too cute. I love the elephants and Jax looks like he had a good time snoozing:)

  6. Well, I agree that DS kiddos are ADORABLE, and so are orangutans, so maybe you have something here?!

    That is crazy about the bee! Especially since he got stung by one on his chest before!

    I can't believe that you have snow! I would be so disgusted! It's supposed to be about 90 here today! I hate humid and hot weather, but it's definitely better than snow! Hope you get some hot weather soon!

    Love and Hugs!!!

  7. What is up with the weather, we are still having rain here. Should be at least 90 by now but no we are still in jackets.
    Looks like a fun trip to the zoo.

  8. My neighbors are in Hawaii this week. I just took a picture of her snow covered house and text'd it to her! What is up with this weather?!? How are the bows coming along?

  9. I always said my son looked like a baby monkey when he was born so I am right there with you. Just the sweetest, biggest eyes, and the tiny nose - just beyond adorable. My BIL lives there and was telling my daughter is was snowing, I said surely he was talking about in the mountains, but now I can see, nope down in the city - crazy!

  10. Hi Lacey. You don't know me and I don't know how to email you, but I found your blog through Mandy's blog (seventhsmith). I knew them when they were in Ukraine and still call Ukraine home. I was wondering if the girl you are adopting is from Ukraine. If yes where and what orphanage. I do orphan work there and maybe I could have someone get a picture for you?

  11. Looks like the zoo was fun. Ashlea isn't a bee magnet - she's a mosquito magnet. They love her.

  12. I cannot believe the snow! That is insane, thank goodness you are headed this way soon.

    Oh my gosh, look at the bee on him! I would have freaked, I am scared to death of them. It's a bit insane how scared of them I am.

    I want to send something to you to raffle off soon .. Ohhh wait I'll give it to you in two weeks! :)

  13. Wow! Snow? That is crazy! That bee would give me the heebie jeebies too! I need to take our kids to our zoo but it is a long trip. That is a great fall trip here since the leaves are changing and the temps are great.

  14. CUTE!! I love that baby elephant. And seriously, you had snow?!? That's crazy! Jaxson looks so sweet sleeping, even though there's a crazy bee stalking him. it's probably a good thing you didn't see it, no sense waking the sleeping baby. hehe
