
Friday, May 21, 2010

Rain rain, go away!

Normally I don't mind the rain, I'll take rain over snow anyday. But I'm so sick of the cold I could scream! Global warming makes me laugh, because I swear the summers are getting shorter and colder every year. We get maybe one day thrown in that we can wear shorts, then its back to sweatshirt weather. I hate it because I'm missing baseball games because I have to keep Jax out of the windy cold!
Our passports finally came today, yippee! A bunch of our paperwork just needs our passport numbers and then it can be notarized. This is a huge step! You can't really see mine, but thats because Mondo was the photographer!

My little sleeping stud muffin in another new pair of shoes. I just can't help myself. I have a shoe fetish, a baby shoe fetish!!


  1. LOVE his shoes! (what size is he wearing these days?)

  2. Seriously, What is up with the weather? I am sure we will just skip spring and hit summer hard and heavy one of these days. I too have been missing baseball games. I really miss the games. That is exciting about the passports, one step closer.

  3. Lacey,

    Has Jax been on Tobi before? And do you know if Medicaid covers it? Our insurance coverage leaves us with a $750.00 co-pay. ahhhh! And they couldn't get in touch with Medicaid today because it was Friday. So we got enough to last until Tuesday with a co-pay of $250.00.

    Tammy and Parker
    @ParkerMama on Twitter

  4. Love the shoes - hate the weather. We were wearing coats at our school carnival tonight - and everything got packed up early because it was raining and cold! See that didn't take long on the passports! One more step closer. And tell Mondo CONGRATS on the hit in the baseball game - I'm sure that did wonders for him!

  5. Hahaha I love that picture of you two! :) Yay for the passports.

  6. I just saw your comment to me. Google maps says it'll take us 7 hours to drive to Junior and Heidi. :)

  7. I love cute baby shoes on cute baby boys!

  8. Great news about the passports. I don't know where your summer is as it has definitely gotten cold down here.

  9. Cute pic of you and hubby. Yay for passports...another step closer to your pink frilly bundle!

  10. I love this picture of the two of's so sweet.

    I hope there are no complicated new issues with Jax, was just reading how he needs to go for an echo and they are suspecting something with his heart? I hope it's nothing serious

    Btw love Jax's new shoes!!

  11. You two are so cute! I love that picture! How exciting!! So what's the time frame for going to pick her up??? Can you beleive it's all really happening!?! Jaxson looks as cute as always I love the whole outfit!

  12. oops Im not sure if you got my comment or not I got navigated away from this page.. I just wanted to tell you how cute the pic of you and Ray is! Im so excited that this is all really happening for your family and Mac!
    So Im being nosey and wanted to pass on to Tammy and Parker that Medicade will pay for Tobi, depending on when she appied for him Medicade will even go back and reinburst her for the money she had to put out from the time she applied. Hope you are doing well.

  13. Super cute shoes Jax~Srry for the rain, we had it here the past week but sunny for the next few days will send some your way.

  14. Love the pic of you and your hubby! And, love Jax's shoes too! I have a thing for baby shoes as well! If I had a girl, we'd be broke!

    The weather here has been rainy and windy too! Yuck! This next week is supposed to be hot and muggy here....then I'll probably be complaining that it's too hot or something! :)

    Hope your paperwork keeps going so smoothly! HUGS!!!

  15. He is such a stud muffin, and those shoes are so cute. I would be doing the same thing if shoes would stay on Kaelyns feet, so for now we buy socks that look like shoes :)

  16. Hooray for passports and baby shoes!

  17. Super cute shoes Jaxson is sportin. How can you not have a baby shoe fetish?!? Those ridiculous sweet little feet just call for added cuteness, don't they? :-)

  18. Love the picture of ya'll and your passports!

    Congratulations to Mondo on his hitting the baseball the other day!

    Love Jax' shoes.You've gotta get him some Robeez ;)

  19. Love the shoes!! Yay for passports. LOL

  20. You guys are awsome and still amaze me!

  21. Yay for the passports, sounds like things are going SO wonderful for the adoption! And those shoes, so stinkin' cute on that cute boy!

  22. I LOVE those shoes - they are so super cute!
    Who can resist awesome baby shoes? Tell me? You gotta be made of stone to not cave into a pair of super cute little shoes!

  23. Congrats on the passport!!!!! YAY!!! LOVE the pics of you guys with them! ;) And of course, cute shoes!

  24. That is so exciting! I am so horribly sick of this Utah weather myself! LOVING the shoes!
