
Friday, April 2, 2010

Spring break

What do you do on a snowy, ridiculously cold spring break?

You make cupcakes!!

You add,

You lay the cups,

You mix,

You sneak a lick,

You pour,

You frost,

you sprinkle,

You lick some more,

The boys, very sprinkly cupcakes!


  1. Fun! Get those boys a cookin'! :)

  2. MMMM,yummy! My favorite part is the licking...before it is cooked! Glad you guys are having fun!

  3. Those look yummy! We love sprinkly cupcakes too!

  4. Yum. We doing cookies tonight as a change of pace!

  5. You bring some over to Heather's house lol! Looks like they had fun!

  6. YUM! Great idea! Sorry about the weather, hope this changes for you soon!

    Great pictures of your boys!

    I am so glad to have you as a friend Lacey! I just wish we lived closer to each other! Thanks for your support...I know that you totally understand! And, as for adopting together...that sounds GREAT! Love ya! Hugs!!!

  7. Looks like a great way to spend sometime indoors! Sorry the weather has not been too cooperative, but it looks like you're making the most of your time.

  8. AWWW, so sorry it's cold! But you are definitely spending your time wisely!!

  9. You're a good mom. :) Not to brag but we're having 80 degree weather this weekend. Too bad I'm stuck inside the PICU.

  10. Snowy? Wow. They look yummy and it looks like lots of fun. The boys look like they had a blast, especially eating them:)!!
    Hey I love your post about the stander. What brand is that? Our pt just tried Wysdom in a stander last week. It was an old one attached to a wooden table. Yes is looked creepy at first but then I saw that it didn't hurt. Anyways it was the first time that I had ever heard of it. Anyways Lacey I wanted to ask you the name of the chair that Jaxson lays in for the day. You take a lot of pics with him in it. It looks padded and he lays in it. We are looking for a chair/bed thing for Wysdom and I our OT suggested one, but it didn't work and I kind of thought maybe yours would work. Anyways no rush when you get time if you want just leave me a line on my blog. Thanks a bunch.

  11. That's the most delicious looking cupcake I've ever seen! And the pictures are just awesome.

  12. Yummy! And I agree that is a perfect thing to do during a snowy easter break!
