
Thursday, April 1, 2010

Jax shows off his stander

April, seriously! When the Easter bunny has to borrow Santa's means of travel, you know your in trouble. And its not fun to hunt for Easter eggs in the snow. Its disgusting is what it is!

I put Jax in his stander last night. Its been a while, and naughty mommy whose supposed to put him in everyday. Because Jax is severely hypotonic, and absolutely refuses to use those legs for anything, the stander is quite important. If he doesn't bear weight on his legs his hips will get loose and start to dislocate. He's 4 so he's at high risk for this happening now. I know some of you have standers, but we thought we'd demonstrate how it works.

The cute green stander! You lay it down to strap him in. I know it looks a little creepy like this. Like some kind of torture machine!

Put on the AFO's

Strap baby in nice and snug!

Then flip him up to a standing position

Even though he doesn't really use the tray, we put it on.

We want those little hands to feel different textures.

But the hands automatically go back to their favorite place.

He can only tolerate being totally upright for about 10 minutes. That little head gets quite heavy to hold up. We slowly lean it back as he loses strength. We try to keep him in for 30 minutes. And this is his leg (and head control) workout machine!


  1. Yep...that's the one we're considering. We have tried the loaner and we like it, so I think as long as the insurance will pay, we'll get it. I'm not sure what color to get though. Reagan's chair is pink but I was thinking maybe getting the green just to change it up a little. I don't know. One thing I thought I'd mention. Reagan has the flat headrest with laterals on hers and it works really well to help hold her head into position. It fits snugger than just the flat or curved headrests. It looks like you have the curved headrest. Something to think about.

  2. Wow!! Look at you Jaxson. That is a pretty neat stander. I love the green too.

  3. He looks great standing upright! We used a stander for a long time and recently passed it on to a friend's little guy. Now Peanut uses a gait trainer, so we don't need it anymore.

    He looks wonderful though! I was wondering like Reagan's mom about getting lateral head supports to help him. Then he might tolerate being upright for longer?

    I can't believe you are covered in snow. I would definately NOT be able to live there!!

  4. I thought of you guys last night when we heard the weather forecast for your area...sorry about the snow! I guess it would make for finding those colored eggs easier.

    Yeah Jax look at you go!

  5. Oh my sorry you have snow!!

    On the bright side...Jax looks great in his stander. Way to go Jax. Keep up the good work!! Even if it's only a few minutes at a time. It all adds up.

  6. Wow...that's quite a contraption but I bet he enjoys being able to be upright on his own. See you soon!!

  7. What is with this crazy weather??!! I'm almost afraid of what the summer has in store for us!!!!

    Wow, Jax, look at you!! I love the green (my favorite color)!! Looking good:)

  8. Great job Jax! Looks just like Gavin's.....we haven't used his much lately either! I'm hoping they put him in one at school, so now I've become lazy about it!

    I'm so sorry about the snow! YUCK! I'm surprised we don't look like that here in Michigan, but we actually set a record today at 80 degrees! Don't get jealous though.....the 8 day forcast shows 30's and 40's with rain and maybe snow in our future. :(

    Hope your snow melts fast! Remember, Summer will come before we know it! Hugs!!!

  9. He looks great standing upright! I love his cute little legs! And can you believe this weather - it really needs to move onto spring! Not looking forward to the easter egg hunt in the snow this weekend.

  10. That looks like a great stander!

    I love how his hands go straight back up to his mouth.

    I hope the snow melts soon - I can't imagine hunting for eggs in the snow!

  11. He is so sweet. That stander is amazing. I really like it when you do posts like this because Tomas' PT just mentioned one last week. It is for down the road if he continues to not weight bear, but at least now I know what she's talking about. I hate spring snow, the Eater bunny is going to leave some pretty intersting tracks this year.

  12. Wow, what a contracption, I have never seen one of those. Way to go Jaxson, he looks great. I love the placement of his hands, so sweet. I just love that kid.

  13. We bought an older Giraffe stander on EBay. We are thinking we need a new one. It is REALLY bulky and cumbersome...That sai - I can't wait for warmer weather. We plan to pull it outside to do "art" :)

    Jaxson is looking really good!


    Steph and Christopher

  14. He is so precious! I love his feet - I have no idea what it is about little feet - they are irresistable!! Have a very Blessed(and I guess snowy - yikes) Easter, Jaxson, Lacey and family!

  15. jax looks great in his stander - hope he had a good workout today :) sorry to see the snow just before the easter bunny is supposed to come to town... hopefully it will melt and the sun will come up!

    keep up the good work jax!!!

  16. Nice job Jax!! Sorry about the snow Lacey!!! That is usually us looking for Easter eggs in the snow!!!! Not this year...they will probably float down the rivers and streams they way we are headed in New England!!!

  17. What a cool stander. I have never seen how one works, so I loved the demonstration! He sure is a cute boy, and I think my favorite place for my hands would be on that cute face, too!

  18. He looks great in the stander. Isaac loves his stander too, but only tolerates it for 20 min or so. Sorry to hear about the winter weather!

  19. Yeah!!! Look at you sweet boy, doing such hard work! Keep it up! Big hugs!

  20. He looks so cute in the stander. Emilia has the same favorite spot to put her hands that Jaxson does. BTW I'm Stephanies daughter. I also have my own blog.

  21. WTG Jaxson! Love the stander, very cool!

  22. Way to go Jax! You look so cute in your cool stander! 10 minutes is better than nothin', you'll totally up that soon!

  23. Jax I love seeing you standing up in your stander. way to go.
