
Thursday, February 4, 2010


Look who has eyeballs today!!

Jaxson was so much more alert today, I was amazed. Its the first time I've seen his eyeballs in 4 days! They still didn't touch his vent settings today, I guess his x-ray from this morning wasn't pretty. Oh those poor lungs of his! 4 years of damage really takes its toll! But at least he's more awake today, thats progress! Not really much more to report.

Again, thanks for all your prayers.


  1. So relieved to see his eyes and hear there has been some progress. I've been so worried about the sweet little man. Hope you're taking care of yourself. HUGS!

  2. Jax I am so glad to see you awake. Good to hear there is progress. Lots of hugs and prayers

  3. So awesome to see his beautiful eyes! Keep on making progress, Jaxson!

  4. so happy you were able to see him awake with his eyes looking out at you! get well soon jaxson!!! (stay strong, lacey + rest of your family!)

  5. So happy to see these pics! I am so sorry I haven't posted lately Lacey, but I have been keeping up with everything. You are such an amazing woman and I strive every day to be as strong as you!

  6. That the best news you could have given, don't need much more right now. So so wonderful to see his eyes open.
    Keep praying for further improvement...slow and steady right?

  7. Oh Lacey, I'm glad that he looks a little better today. What are his settings at? Ben's settings are the highest they've ever been. 9peep and 16 pressure support. Keep fighting!!

  8. I'm so glad to see him peeking! Hang in there!

  9. Oh my gosh...he looks so much better. Just keep letting him rest, I say. Plus this gives you time to rest as well. It is just great to hear that things are getting better. See you soon, my friend :)

  10. What a nice treat to check in on Jax & see his little eyes!

  11. So great to see him awake! You all continue to be in my prayers.

  12. Oh look at the fighter boy ... see he knows... gotta get better,gotta get to Zoey... gotta get to Disneyland...Slow and Steady Jax.Slow and Steady.

  13. Thanks for the updates. Glad he isn't regressing - hopefully you're making progress too (catching up on sleep?) :)

  14. Yay! Progress is a good thing! Hang in there....

    Hugs and Prayers...

    Trina and Jophie

  15. Oh Jaxson, as Carter says...Keep on Keepin' on!!

  16. Oh... he looks so much better already! I sure hope he kicks this soon. I've been thinking about him non-stop!

  17. I can only imagine what a relief it was to see your baby's eyes again. I felt like I lost Morgan for awhile there and it was just because she wasn't talking anymore. He has such the battle wounds on his little hands and arms. I can't wait for him to get all better so you can get out of there and on to the Happiest Place on Earth. Prayers from our family!

  18. Oh its so good to see him with his eyes open. I will keep praying for you all and particularly for Jaxson's progress.

  19. Goodness he looks soooo much better. I am glad they are being aggressive in wean efforts, but balancing it with time to rest, I know how hard it is for you... believe me!
    I did get your email address, but felt hesitant to email about something that you seemed distressed about while you have so much on your plate. But if you ever do want the skinny on that topic and what I feel it truly means from the medical field stand point, just let me know.
    I am praying for Jax, I know he will, once again, get through this.
    The picture of his arm makes me want to cry, sweet baby!

  20. And arnt those beautiful eyes indeed! So happy you are doing better dear Jax, much love!

  21. Oh those are such beautiful eyes...

  22. so very happy so very glad! Go Jax , thank You Lord!

  23. Hi Jax, glad to see you are awake! Many ((HUGS)) coming your way and for your wonderful mommy too. Will be continuing prayers.

  24. AAWWWW, this made me so HAPPY! I'M sooo glad that he's making progress, WTG Jaxson!

    We'll keep on praying for your baby boy & for a GREAT recovery:) Someone needs to recover for DISNEY...Good for you, it will be a great Celebration!


  25. OH Sweet Jax! You are so handsome and it's so good to see those beautiful eyes of yours again!

    Keep fighting to get better little man! You are so loved!!!


  26. What a thrill to see him wide awake like that! Lacey, you and your family are just as tough as Jaxson is to be fighting this fight for 4 years right along with him. As always, praying for your whole family.

  27. Lookin better every day.
    Little by little.

  28. Oh Lacey....I look at these pictures of your BEAUTIFUL boy and my heart aches. So glad you got to take in those gorgeous eyes yesterday. Prayers for better days ahead. Kiss your sweet boy for me!

  29. Aww, forget the x-rays. If he looks better to you, then he's making progress! So glad to see those beautiful eyes!

  30. So good to see his sweet little eyes open and alert. Hang in there. Hugs & prayers.

  31. Thanks for posting the picture. I just loved seeing his eyes! What an amazing fighter he is!

  32. Hooray for progress! He looks good with those beautiful eyes opened. Still praying that those chest x-rays keep looking better and better.

  33. What sweet eyes. I bet he was happy to see all of you.

  34. Yay for Jax! Know that did YOUR heart good to see those beautiful eyes open!

  35. I liked seeing the word "Progress" as your title. Keep it up little man!

  36. I'm sorry you are sick. You sent me a blankit. I got it Friday. my mom took pichers. I love my blankit. It has stripes. I love you. Feel better. Smile. Love Angela

  37. Jaxson, I am so relieved to see your big peepers open! That surely warmed your mommy's heart. :)

    Lacey, I hope he continues to do well. Sorry his xray looks bad, but I'm glad they are going slow and not pushing him. I hope he recovers soon!
