
Friday, January 22, 2010

home study done

A few pics of blankie kids above.
The home study is done! And it wasn't bad at all. She talked to the boys a little first. Just got their likes and dislikes, and what they like to do as a family. Then she got mine and Ray's background pretty much since birth! And how are marriage is. She didn't even look around the house. She said she assumed everything is put up because we have the boys. I'm a little confused though because she said someone from the state will come out and do a better safety check. I said what if we don't adopt from the state, and she said they still will. So I don't know. I'm just glad its done. Now we wait. Our background checks haven't come back yet so she can't fax the home study to DCSF. And DCSF now won't tell me anything more about the baby. Seriously, so the people that told me about her before are wrong! I really hate dealing with DCSF (no offense to anyone who works for them) I know they are super busy, but come on! I just need to keep myself busy until my home study can be faxed to DCSF and they call me about whether they think we are right for the baby. But there is no one else wanting her, and I know they want to get her off their caseload. I just wish they would hurry up!
I know, I just need patience!


  1. It can be so hard to be patient! Hang in there! At least the homestudy is over! Try to relax and enjoy your weekend! Love and Hugs!!!

  2. Sorry we missed you today. I bet you are wiped out. Even though the home study wasn't bad, all the anxiety leading up to it is exhausting. Glad it went well. Hope your background checks come back soon! Steve's came back quick, but mine took a few months since my "crime" happened out of state :)

  3. Yay! One step closer. How exciting for you all.

  4. Glad it's done. Hopefully the process goes quickly for you and no more waiting. Paper work sometimes takes forever. Love the blankies

  5. When we were adopting Addy I think everyone moved slower than a snail, it was sooo frustrating! It was like being pregnant for over two years!

  6. Patience my dear friend.Patience.

    Blankets are so cute and those kids... all darling!

  7. Praying it happens soon!! xoxo

  8. That must be a load off your mind. I bet you were great.

    I absolutely love the blankie for Rebekah. I just found her last week from your blog roll. What a sweetie!

  9. I'm glad the home study is over. I hope the background checks and all are done soon. That little girl is waiting for you!! Seriously, I am just giddy thinking about seeing you again and hopefully with the little princess. She sounds SO much like my Peanut at birth. The lack of real diagnosis' and everyone guessing at the future. You guys would do an amazing job with her!
