
Thursday, January 28, 2010

Hold on for a scary roller coaster ride!

I noticed today that Jax seemed to be a little worse. I was beginning to wonder if indeed he has caught something. The chest x-ray was read pneumonia, but like I said he probably aspirated when he vomited. But my ped called me tonight from home. That's never a good sign! Jaxson has metapneumo virus, which is a sister virus to RSV. We have one sick puppy on our hands, and we are in the beginning stages of it all.
I'm already starting to see his systems shutting down. He's not digesting his food, he's very pale and has nice purple eyes. My ped wants me to watch him closely to make sure he doesn't get shocky. Which would be a nice grey color. She also reminded me with his severe hypotonia he may not increase his respiratory rate, it may just shut down altogether. He's not fully asleep in these pics, just exhausted. Which is whats scaring me already. He has already worn himself out from the coughing constantly, which leaves no reserve for the respiratory crap that's to come. We will probably be heading in for a blood gas tomorrow to try and catch him before he totally poops out on us.

Please pray for my fragile man tonight! This could be one heck of a roller coaster ride. My ped asked me on the phone if he is still a full code, and if we had filled out the paperwork for what our wishes are, because she will be out of town all next week. And although I wonder why they keep asking me this, I have to remember that it's an insurance policy. The nice thing about the trach is we can avoid traumatic intubations. But once we are vented we get lines, sepsis, and other nasty things!


  1. Lacey this is Joyce. Praying hard for our little man. So hope he can fight this without a hospital stay.

  2. So sorry to hear that Jax is sick, sending lots of prayers and hugs.

  3. Oh no! This makes me sad. I love your Jax. We are praying.

  4. Oh Lacey, I'm praying like crazy for Jaxson. Please let me know if there is anything I can do!

  5. Oh goodness, Lacey! This is not what I was expecting at all. I am praying so hard for Jaxson right now.

  6. Oh crap Lacey..when you say it's scary stuff then I know for sure you are worried.So we will pray like crazy.Remember and I probably don't have to remind you,Jax is one resilient,tough little man.

    I'll check in tomorrow morning.In the mean time,you know I am up late, so call if you want or need to.Little good I do this far away but I always have a listening ear ready and am good for a laugh or two.

    Love to you all especially our guy Jax.

  7. I will keep your sweet boy in my prayers. I hope you can stay out of the hospital. We are fighting a bug here also, which is not fun.

  8. He looks pretty tired out, poor thing. Extra prayers for Jax tonight. Let me know if I can do something.

  9. Hang in there little man. You are one tough guy who has taught me so much. My prays and thoughts are with you and you mom tonight.

  10. Oh Lacey - lots of extra PRAYERS for Jaxson. Let me know if I can do anything.

  11. Oh Lacey! You guys are all in our prayers. Those pix broke my heart. Love you guys!

  12. Oh Lacey, please know that I am praying for Jax, praying very very hard, that he overcoms this just like he has so many other things, he is a miracle boy and he will fight this, I believe and will continue to believe in him.

    Surrounding Jax with positive thoughts and cosmic energy right now and for the next days to come.

  13. poor guy, im so sorry he is ill. i am sending lots of prayers up for Jax and you. goodness, bless his heart!!!!!

  14. Rarely, do I cry over Jax because he always seems so strong but right now you have me kind of scared!!! Just hearing you mention the words "full code" is kind of freaking me out so I can only imagine how you are feeling right now....(boy I am NOOOO help, am I?) I will definitely be saying prayers for Jax in about 10 minutes when I get my butt in bed. Love you guys!!!

  15. Oh no! Praying for a quick recovery for your little hero

  16. Praying for Jax and the whole family!

  17. OH NO!!! Praying he doesn't get hit hard and praying that he is able to stay at home! I'm so sorry that Jax is so sick! You will be in my thoughts and prayers often! Hang in there Lacey and Jaxson! Love, Hugs and Prayers!!!

  18. When you say scary, you mean it. Holly crap! I'm very sorry to read that Jax is so very ill. Poor little guy, he does look completely exhausted in those pic's. We will be praying extra hard for this little guy.

  19. Oh dear... prayers are headed your way. Love you guys. Please let me know if I can help in any way.

  20. I got an e-mail from a friend today to check this out. Know that I'm praying for your little guy.

  21. Oh no!!!! Praying for you guys. Rest while you can - we don't need Mama down for the count too. :( Hugs to all of you! Keep us updated when you can.

    Steph and Christopher

  22. Sorry I didn't catch this until today...holding you all up in prayer. So sorry to hear about this virus.
    I can't imagine how hard this is on his little body. The bronchiolitis was hard on Alayna last month and she doesn't have any health issues.

    hugs and prayers to you!

  23. We are praying for you Jaxson!!

  24. We are praying very hard for your little man. We are in the hospital right now with Andrew, having a shunt revision and G-tube placement.. kinda scary. They just took him back so I am a nervous wreck.
    Please give sweet Jax a big soft huggle and germ free kiss from us and know you all are in our prayers daily! :D

  25. How fast these yucky bugs hit our little guys. I am sending very positive thoughts your way. While your ped is out, you could always call Pfeffer? I hope that he will be better before you know it, however I have come to realiz that when they havecrapy lungs it takes a bit longer to rid those yucky bugs.
    If you need anything please dont hesitate to call. Lacy I know you are strong and because of that Jax is strong. I hope you both know how loved you are, and what a huge inspiration you are.

    call any time, I think we have a lot in common with past and present history. PS Jonahs lungs are ruined due to the high peeps. He wasn't born with any lung issues.
