
Sunday, December 20, 2009

Tis the season

We have a new adoption plan. We are getting our homestudy, we need to gather birth certificates and things. Ray's will be fun to try and get from California. But we aren't starting the foster thing unless we get a call that we get the baby. Its 32 hours of classes to become a foster parent. And we don't really want to me foster parents, we just need the certification if we get this baby because she is in the foster system. So you probably won't hear anything unless we get the call that she is ours.

Have I mentioned how much I love this season? Oh yeah, I have. Friday night, after we went to dinner, we got Jamba juice and just drove around to look at the lights. We went to a neighborhood were every year they all do tons of lights with the Twas night before Christmas story. While we were driving through we noticed that they had a Santa in front of one of the houses talking to kids so they boys jumped out and went for a closer look.
Last night we had my family Christmas party. It seemed everyone was a little dull this year. The party ended so fast it almost wasn't worth the 45 min. drive. We didn't take many pictures either, but we did get Santa pics of course. Well, except for Tanner, he was on and off Santa so fast I missed it.

Seriously mom, why did you put me on this goofy mans lap?

Today daddy's making cookies with the boys and letting them frost and decorate them. Interesting pictures to come!!


  1. First off I wanted to tell you thank you for your post on my blog the other day. It was what I needed to hear.
    secondly a 45 min drive was so worth it to see Santa! I love the pics!!! hahaha!
    Thirdly I hope you all have a very MERRY CHRISTMAS!

  2. I love the matching sweaters. How cute.

    Where did you have your family gathering at? It looks like a gym. Our family used to rent a clubhouse every year for Christmas Eve and do a gift exchange and have Santa make a visit. Now that most of the kids are older we don't do it anymore. Those were the good ole days.

    Hope the cookies are yummy!

  3. Ohhh how I wish I could just squeeze and love on that little guy....

  4. Your boys look so cute in their matching sweaters! And, I love Jaxson's shoes! So cute!

  5. Cute pictures! LOVE looking at lights too, but we struggle to find the good neighborhoods! Can't wait to see the cookie pics!

  6. The adoption paperwork process is a killer! It's worth it in the end :)

  7. I've missed so many blogs lately just trying to catch up. So happy to hear Jax is doing so well, he is really an amazing little kid. God bless. Love the pic with his flattened hair!!!! and the ones with Santa.

  8. Love the pics! The boys look so adorable. I hope you all have a wonderful (& healthy) Christmas!

  9. It was dull because I wasn't there! Haha. Wasn't it kind of bare? George, Susan, Christene's family were all not there and whoever else...Sad I missed it

  10. Love the picture of Santa and the kids! Jaxson looks like a big boy - is he growing? I love the season too - just not all the hustle and bustle getting ready!
