
Thursday, December 17, 2009

How is Jaxson doing

I've been so consumed by this baby that came into our lives so quickly, that I haven't updated on the warrior to whom this blog is for.

Jaxson continues to do amazing. The trach really has been a lifesavor. Our new longer trachs are in the mail, so we should get those anytime. He is doing much better with his therapies, holding his head up for quite a long time. He still gets pooped out fast, but he's doing better. His vision seems to be slightly improved. He looked at bright tinsel yesterday, normally he only looks at lights. It had to be shiny tinsel, but he definitely looked. He's giving some great smiles. One of these days I'm going to catch some on video. (oh, and check out his flat hair, he had a beanie on that flattened his fohawk)

When he sits in his napnanny, he always puts his left leg over the side, its like his way of chillin.

Ok, and I am going to update whats been going on with the baby. I never heard anything about the meeting on Tuesday until today. Now they say they have multiple families they are considering. It sounds like at the meeting they pulled some families that are already in the system that said they would take special needs kids. But I really don't think anyone will take her. It sounds horrible, I know, but they've given this baby a death sentence, not to many families want to deal with that. We are still in the running, but we need to get moving on the paperwork, so here's what the plan is.

We are getting a home study done by a private company (which we will pay for) but the state will accept it. It is the only private home study the state accepts besides their own. But if we go through the foster system, the home study is the last thing they do, and we need it first so she can come into our home. Plus, with getting this home study, we can use it for other adoptions through other agencies should this not work out. We also are getting started with the states procedures to become foster-to-adopt parents, which is all their classes and licenses. So I am still hopeful that we can get this baby, but if it doesn't work out, we have a home study to start looking elsewhere for our girl.

Now that I've had it so close to my fingertips, my urge for a girl is stronger than ever

Heck, pretty soon I'm going to start putting bows in Carters hair!!!


  1. I just love that picture of you and Jaxson! He is looking so sweetly at you! We are praying for you and those two precious little girls! You seem to be more confidant about it as the days go on!

  2. That is pretty funny about the bows in Carter's hair! haha
    Justin's fohawk is looking about the same these days... not happening because of beanies!
    Good luck with the home study!

  3. Jaxson is looking so cute. Happy to hear he is doing so well.

  4. So wonderful that Jaxson is doing so great! And what a great photo of Carter! I hope and prayer that GOD sends you your little girl soon! Love Megan and Keaton

  5. What gorgeous pics! Praying for you to recieve that Christmas gift you are praying for, God Bless, love Mark Samm Deqlan Logan

  6. Awww, Jax looks so stinkin cute! Good luck on your girl... I keep checking back to hear good news!

  7. It's what all the kids are doing with their hair. Coltan's hair is that long shag as well. Oh well, in a few years everyone will have buzz cuts and then we can see our babies faces again. LOL

    Love the pictures of Cutie Jax. He does look like he's just chillin.

    Praying for good news on the little girls.

  8. Glad to hear about all the updates. I am praying that you get the little baby. You guys are trying so hard. Jaxson looks good. He's getting all ready to be a big brother.:)

  9. Fingers and toes are crossed for you! Good luck and keep us updated!!!

  10. Jax looks so handsome just chillin in his napnanny!

    And, Carter really should have been a girl anyway, with that great hair and long eyelashes! I always tease Caleb and put headbands in his hair.....I need to get my girl fix somehow, right?!

    I hope and pray that the paperwork and homestudy goes well! I bet you are so anxious waiting and wondering! I can't wait to hear how it all goes! Love, Hugs and Prayers!!!

  11. Love the pics of Jax on the Napnanny! The hangin the leg over the side must be a Ds thing because Lily loves to do that too! I haven't been reading your blog as much as I would like so I wasn't aware that you were in the process of trying to adopt a little girl. That is awesome! I will pray that all goes well with this and if it is God's will for you to get this child it will all work out. Carter would look cute with a bow in his hair! LOL!

  12. Love that Jax is doing so well & chillin' so cute. We keep praying for your little girl.

  13. Oh Lacey! I've been so busy with my new job I haven't been reading what's happening! BREATH!!! It will happen if it is meant to be. These things happen in the strangest ways and when it's the right time you'll look back and see how it all came together. It's a crazy kind of fun isn't it! I'll keep reading and praying if you need anything call! BTW I did get your message we have a beautiful newborn basket that we now give to families and we have trained parents that will go in and talk with the families before and after birth. They have to contact us because of HIPPA. which is hard because sometimes we know about them and they aren't ready to talk to us :-( We also have Spanish speaking families we are getting together now!

  14. Jax looks amazing.Really amazing Lacey.As for that baby girl,we will pray and we will know, that things will unfold just as they should.Love to you all.

  15. Okay, Carter DOES have beautiful haiir, but I'm not sure bows are his thing. ;)

    I am thrilled to hear how well Jax is doing!! That is truly amazing.

    Good luck with the home study. I am seriously jealous. A widdle 8 pound punkin? My fingers are still crossed. And if she is not meant to be yours, I hope you come across YOUR daughter soon.

  16. Glad to hear Jax continues to do well. He's such a trooper. The pictures are great. I could bows in my son's hair too!!! ;) Good luck with your home study. I'm sure it'll go great!

  17. Hey there Super Mama! First Happy Belated Birthday!!!! What a beautiful post that was, WOW!!!Jax is looking as handsome as ever.
    And OMG!!! what's up with the girls!!! I even feel odd typing the word girl on this blog.LOL What with all the boys around. Oh Lacey I'm so excited for you. I'm praying everything works out the way it is supposed to. Just put it all in His hands and let Him work His miracles!

    I've seen so many miracles this Christmas, must be a special year. Lots of kids getting there forever homes.

  18. Lacey - This just came across one of the homeschool newsletters. Did you know there is a Lego League?


    P.S. Saying lots of prayers for you guys right now. :)

  19. I'm rooting for you and the baby girl that is coming into your life. Whether she is this one of the next I know that you will all find one another. I'm following your adoption... seeing what I may be in store for. Who did you decide to do your home study? And I want to hear all about it.
    Love the new pictures. I can see how much better Jax is doing in the new pictures you posted.
    Good luck!

  20. Wait. Who gave this baby girl of yours a death sentence? I thought the dx was CP?

    You need to bring this girl home so you can prove 'them' very wrong.

  21. I am so excited about how well Jax is doing with the trach. That is so wonderful!

  22. Great update on Jax and I'm glad to hear he's doing well with the trach!

    Saying prayers for the whole foster/adoption situation with this baby girl!
