Wednesday, December 2, 2009

A gorgeous, gorgeous picture.

Today has been a much better day. I still got no sleep last night, but I haven't had a headache yet today and I got on the eliptical. Not for as long as normal but hey, any time counts.
Thank you all for your great advice. Today when the boys get home they are tackling that room. One thing that a couple of you mentioned that has worked well for us so far is this: they power clean for 15 minutes. If I notice a difference, even if its small, they get a 10 minute break. That way they don't get bored and end up playing instead of cleaning. Its just that when the room is this bad, its takes a long time to clean, probably more than one day. We decided that we are throwing everything away except the stuff they play with the most. Legos (of course), transformers, and their nerf guns. Thats it.

Ok, I'm reposting this from CF mama's blog. Another way the blogging world can help. Please take a minute to do this.

To all my friends and family,

I am writing because I need your help. I have a great friend, Cathy, who has terminal breast cancer. Cathy is one of the most genuine, caring friends I could have ever asked for. This is where I need your help.

Her birthday is on December 7th and she is going to turn 50. She is sooooo excited about this milestone and I want to be sure she has a birthday to remember. As I sat and wondered what could I possibly send her to make it so memorable, I realized that with the help of all of you, we can make her birthday as special as she has made me feel all these years. I am asking that you all send her a birthday card, a funny 50 card, or an inspirational birthday card, whatever you find and mail it to her home.

What a surprise it will be when she goes to her mail and finds hundreds of well wishes or birthday cards from people she doesn't even know. I know if you had the opportunity to meet Cathy, you would agree she is very inspirational. Her strength has taught me to appreciate every gift God gives us, as we should never take our health or good fortune for granted. She has taught me so much about faith and how to make good out of every little "bad" thing you may encounter.

Cathy's breast cancer has traveled to her lungs, several areas on her liver and now her brain. She told me that she isn't mad, or never asks "why me", because she knows that God has a plan for her. Thanksgiving and Christmas and the whole holiday season is her favorite time of year.

Please help me in celebrating Cathy's birthday, please, send her address to everyone you know, family members, friends, whoever you know that will also send her birthday wishes. Cathy has been battling cancer and has had many rounds of chemo for 2 years now. She stays strong and continues to fight. If she sees how many people are behind her, she will continue to fight this terrible battle.

Please, as I said, her birthday is on December 7th, (just around the corner) and I ask you to all help me celebrate her 50th birthday. Please make it a birthday for her to remember, and I would be forever grateful. Her address is below. I haven't mentioned this on facebook as I didn't want her to see what we were up to.

God Bless you all and Merry Christmas!!

Cathy Strzelewicz
6 South Iowa Ave
Addison, IL 60101

And one more thing, whew, this is a long post. You all probably know Ruby. Well her brother is drawing a picture of Jax that I sent to him. Its not quite finished but let me tell you, it gave me goosebumps. Its so beautiful, and so captures him, click here to see it and then look at the pics below and tell me thats not my perfect angel!!


Denise said...

Okay...I Just looked at that picture that Ruby's brother is drawing and I can't believe how much it looks like Jax. He definitely knows how to capture a person's life in their eyes. How exciting for you to get that picture.

Kristin said...

Wow - very cool.

Melissa said...

Oh Jaxson, you look so BEAUTIFUL & WONDERFUL!! I'm so happy that you're doing so great!

Lacey, I'm so sorry that I haven't been posting. For some reason, my computer wouldn't let me, but now I think I figured out the reason...grrrrrr
Hope & pray that your headaches don't come back...I feel your pain girl. You poor Momma & the lack of sleep...UGH, is there ANY way for you to try to sneak some more Momma time????

SUPER EXCITED about hearing the news on your Boston visit...I hope it's soon! I can't wait to get my hands on that HANDSOME LITTLE WARRIER!!!!
Love you guys!
{{HUGS}} xoxo

Anonymous said...

WHOA BABY!!!! That picture is breath taking......gorgeous...... Oh Heavens it's amazing.........It brought a tear to my eye....

Maureen Claypool said...

That is crazy how life-like that drawing looks - perfectly beautiful - what a talented artist! Glad to hear you're feeling better today - good luck with the clean-up with the boys!

The VW's said...

That picture he drew is AMAZING!!! I bet he could make a living doing that! I'd pay him to draw one of my boys! WOW!

I think that I'm going to go through my boys' toys as well. This would definitely make life a little easier! They probably won't be happy about it, but I bet they won't even miss the toys anyway.

Cute pics of Jax! HUGS!!!

My Three Sons said...

That drawing is amazing!! What talent....but what a cutie to draw a picture of.

Stephanie said...

Lacey - I am sending you a lengthy e-mail about the room situation. I had similar situation when I was a Nany to 4 boys - 2 with autism.


Junior said...

wow, a beautiful picture, very talented artist

Lori said...

What a beautiful picture! Ruby's brother is very talented...and he picked a most precious subject. Can't wait to see the finished product!

Alison said...

That drawing is amazing.

Tina said...

What an amazingly talented boy, he has done justice to Jax and has managed to capture his beautiful face so perfectly. I think that will be such a wonderful gift for you. I love the two new picture of Jax, can't believe how well and healthy he is looking in all the recent pictures. Bless him

Sasha@ Blyssfulhealth said...

Glad to hear that you are feeling better. Okay that picture is totally looks like Jaxson. What an amazing gift to you.

Shelly Turpin said...

Oh my goodness - what an amazing picture of Jax - wow

Kele said...

Wow! What an amazing picture! He did a beautiful job capturing your beautiful Jaxson!

MichelleH said...

The drawing is stunning! What a talented artists....and beautiful boy!