Monday, December 7, 2009

bye bye Mickey

No, not Mickey Mouse. Never Mickey Mouse.

Today Jax mickey button popped the balloon again after only lasting about a month. I didn't have a spare because I was waiting until the first of the year. So I had to use his emergency kit and put the foley catheter in. I'm done with mickey buttons, we are going back to the mini one. We had the mini one before, and I'm not really sure why we went back to the mickey. Maybe they put one in at the hospital so we just stayed with it. But we've been through about 10 mickeys this year. My insurance says they only pay for four a year, but I've yet to be charged with the others. So I had to rush out a mini one so we could take out the worthless foley

Tomorrow we have our ENT appointment to see if he has scar tissue at the bottom of his trach. Just keep your finger crossed that its not a surgical procedure to remove it. They will not sedate him without putting him completely out. I guess with the trach its no biggy because they don't have to intubate him. Just pop that vent on. Oh the wonders of a trach!

Seriously, have you ever seen a picture of this kids entire face?


Team Carter Jay said...

Oh no! We have the Mini One, and only had one problem with it and I think it's because they used the wrong adapter in the hospital. I'll be praying that the scar tissue turns out to not be a big deal for you. What a cutie Jax is! Carter's been into putting his hands all over his face lately too. :)

Anonymous said...

Hello Jax and Family, thanks for the lovely message on our blog - we love hearing from you! Hope you come right with the new foley! LOVE your disney tree! God bless! Megan and Keaton

Stephanie said...

Oh no... we had our first mickey related crud last week. Put in a new one and the anti reflux valve was leaking everywhere.. what's with my kid and leaking???
At least it wasn't really him this time! I couldn't believe it, even with the feeding tube attached it still leaked right out around the adapter. I called Kimberly Clark the next morning and in less than 24 hours we had a free replacement by Fed Ex. We're lucky though, V's insurance through disability pays for one a month! I guess I can't really complain too much. We've never tried the Mini One. How do you like it?

Tina said...

Saira's fingers are in her mouth ALL the time now exactly in the same way as Jax....can't help but find it cute, these are 2 lovely pictures of Jax.
Hope everything works out with the trach, and the scar tissue isn't too big, if there is one at all. Will definately pray for no surgical procedure.

Junior said...

Jax you are so cute, love the pjs

Stephanie @ Ralphcrew said...

Those PJ's are awesome! Sorry you're having feeding tube problems.

Heather said...

Oh boy ... do you know how to improvise under pressure!I wonder why the Mickey has been such a hassle for Mr.Jax.Zoey has never had an issue and actually wears the same size she was fitted with at .. 7 weeks of age!Can you believe that?Hoping the Mini One does the trick for the little guy.Much love to you.

Sasha@ Blyssfulhealth said...

oh boy that sounds like working under pressure. Hopefully you will get the mini. We don't have the Mickey yet. We are still on the peg I think it's called. Hope that the visit at the hospital goes well and that there is no scar tissue that requires him to be put to sleep. Wysdom is always totally put to sleep for any little procedure as well. HUGS

The VW's said...

I'm afraid to even type this...knock on wood...but, thankfully we've never had issues with Gavin's Mickey buttons. They have always lasted until it's time to replace them, well, except for when I accidently pulled it out once! OOPS!

Hope the ENT appointment goes well!

Jax looks adorable, hands or not! What a cutie! Give him a squeeze from me! HUGS!

Unknown said...

You are one strong mama!! The things you endure amaze me. Praying everything works out with the foley.

ParkerMama said...

Oh, you gotta love the panic that comes with the popping of the Mini.

And four a year? Who counsels these insurance companies?

Hoping for no surgical procedures in your future!

Jessica said...

Hey I think I have an extra Mic button even if its till you can get another mini. Let me know...I actually may even have a mini...J just switched at his last hospitalization. anywho let me know.

Anonymous said...

Well he spent so much time trying to get those canulas out of his nose, he's probably feeling around to actually make sure they are really gone! :) Love you guys!!! Thanks again so much for coming and visiting me in the hospital. Kurt didn't get back til the next day! You helped it be not so so lonely in there! xo

Mama Mason-Mann said...

Good luck with the appt and with the new tube. As always love seeing that cute snuggly boy.

Cammie Heflin said...

Even if I can only see parts of his face, it's beautiful!