Wednesday I was in the doctors office and there was a med student doing her residency. She came in the room with us when we first got there and started asking all kinds of questions.
Jaxson was a perfect learning tool for this new doctor. One of the things she asked has stuck with me and now I would like
everyone's opinion on it.
She asked me if we knew before
Jaxson was born that he had
DS or heart defects. I told her no that it was a total surprise. Then she asked me if I would recommend for people to get the
prenatal testing or not. I told her that was tough because I think it depends on different people's personality's. I didn't mind at all, but I'd also worked in a
childrens hospital and knew all about heart defects so it didn't scare me. But I have a friend that was
prenatally diagnosed and she said she would have to know before their born, that she has to be able to prepare. So everyone is different and I can't recommend one way or another. I think if you know you won't have an
amniocentesis done, then don't even get the blood test. Because the blood test always seems to show increased chances and 90% of the time its wrong. Then parents are upset until the baby's born. Our
DS foundation here says she gets calls a lot from people that have already aborted. What the heck are you calling for now? Its too late. One doctor made an abortion appointment before the couple left the office. Hello, shouldn't this couple think it through first?
I did tell this med student that I think what needs to be done is we need to educate our OB/
GYN doctors. They are giving out old info on
DS, and I think they need to push a little more for adoption rather than abortion. The abortion rate for
DS babies is staggering, even in this day and age. There are over 200 families waiting to adopt
DS babies, and
thats only one adoption program. They need to have an conference or something and give out new updated info on
DS and what it means for kids. That they are more alike than different. And they are not severely delayed like doctors still say they are. Then I was thinking in bed last night, would it really hurt to make up like a
flyer, and sent it out to OB offices. Nothing nasty, just some pics of our kids, and some updated info. And just asking them to read this before they talk to another couple expecting a
DS baby.
I mean, is this not a face that deserves a chance?
And does she look that different?
And does he look severely delayed?
And these are just a few of our adorable friends. What do you think?
And of course here's some pics of my sweet baby, wait, I mean big boy.