
Monday, November 30, 2009

Starting the week after a holiday

Back to work after a long weekend. It stinks, doesn't it?
I've spent the morning trying to get caught up on blankie stuff. I've gotten behind, and my blankie room is a disaster of blankies.

Blankies getting their signature Jaxson picture.

Blankies ready to be packaged up.

Blankies ready to be put in the mail.

Aahh, it feels nice to be organized again. I finally have my rememberance blankies being embroidered, I can't wait to show them to you.
Every once and a while I like to post about the blankie project for people new to our blog. The blankie project is to send blankies to kids with life threatening illnesses. They help so much when your sick a lot and always in the hospital. Click here to check out the blankie site. On there you can request a blankie for someone, or make a donation to give a blankie to a child somewhere. There's also a video on there of kids that have recieved a blankie so you can see what it's all about. If you would rather donate material (some people like to pick out the material themselves), email me and I'll tell you what we need right now.

Calling all friends. I need addresses to send Christmas cards out. Email me and give me your address please so I can send you a card. Again my email is

I guess its a good thing this kid doesn't breath through his mouth and nose anymore!!


  1. Awe, so precious! Love that his hands are always on his face. So cute!

  2. I just love seeing pictures of him. He's so angelic. Lacey, you're amazing. I really don't know how you do it all. As I always say, you're an inspiration!!!

  3. I loved watching him play with his hands at his birthday party! I love it! Blankies are lookin good girl!

  4. Great job on the Blankies! What adorable pictures of Jax! HUGS!

  5. Those pics are adorable. You are amazing. You are truly inspiring to all who follow your blog.

  6. Blankets look beautiful Lacey and Jax,well,he always looks beautiful.Loved the post before with Ray and Jax.Such buddies.Such a bond the two of them.Love to you all.

  7. So sweet! Addy LOVES her blanky! Unfortunately my hubby dried it and now Jax is all crinkly :( I miss seeing his sweet little face!

  8. Lacey that is such a wonderful thing that you do with the blankies! I should really look into getting one for Lily. Jax looks so sweet sleeping! Ahhhhh! Even if he is covering up this mouth and nose. :0)

  9. Carson loves his Thomas the Train blankie. That blanket has been in 11 states! How's that for traveling. LOL

    Carson has Xopnex and Combivent. I give him the Combi a lot and that is one reason why we don't have more ER visits.

    Have you heard more from Boston?


  10. How cute is he! I love it! I wasn't too thrilled to be back to a regular week myself, but such is life. Hope you have a good one.

  11. What darling pictures, so so cute, love how he has placed his hands on his face.
    What beautiful blankets, and so wonderfully packed with so much thought put into each one. You really are an inspiration.

  12. Very cute pics! He cracks me up!
    So I have a question... Does Jaxson see a neurologist? I am on the hunt for a great...The greateset that utah has to offer and am taking/looking for suggestions...

  13. Ruby still just adores her Blankie :)
    What perfectly sweet pictures of Jax!
