
Friday, November 20, 2009

Happy Happy Birthday Baby!!

Today is the day. The day we celebrate the life of one sweet boy we never thought would get this far. I thought I'd start with his video montage of his first 3 years of life. You've probably seen it before, but its the fastest way to tell his story if you don't already know it.

So you can see he's one miracle boy! This last year was rough. It started right in January when Jaxson aspirated and stopped breathing in the grocery store. He took an ambulance ride to the hospital were we decided his nissen probably wasn't intact.

So in Febuary, just one month into the new year he had surgery to redo his nissen that had failed. We also put tubes in his ears and finally got an accurate hearing test. Which of course showed his hearing is not great.

Before Febuary was even over he went back into the hospital for a couple of days with RSV. Luckily he breezed through it. Just two days later we were back, thinking he had a pulmonary embolism. So we started March in the hospital as well. Thats when we found the SVC vein was almost totally blocked, and we started thinking of how we were going to repair that.

It wasn't all bad though. We decided we needed to get away and took our first trip of the year to California, our home away from home.

The next couple of months were spent in doctors offices trying to figure out how we were going to fix his SVC, his face was getting puffier by the day.

In June he had his second surgery of the year. His cecostomy tube was placed. A one hour surgery turned into 3 hours when they could get no access, finally needing to do a cutdown in his left groin.

It seemed to take him forever to recover from that. He had pain for weeks, and we wondered if putting the tube in was the right thing to do. All this time still waiting for Boston to call about his SVC.
We had a BBQ at our house because Denise was here from California. She got to meet a lethargic, sick baby. He had no shirt on because he vomited on himself in front of all his friends.

We decided it was break time again. It had been a long year so far, so in August we escaped back home to California. We saw our best friend for the second time that year. Our little Zoey.

Back home, back to the hospital. In Sept. he had surgery to see what his pressures were and to try and balloon the SVC. Thats when the trach talk got serious and we realized that was our only option. His whole body was now puffy and he was in serious heart failure.

His oxygen needs were getting out of control. So not even a month after that surgery, we were watching them take our baby down that long hall for yet another surgery.
His tracheostomy.

But now, after a long year of constant hospital stays and 4 surgeries, he's celebrating his 4th birthday healthy! My amazing little fighter that shows me how to truly be strong.

My little miracle boy!


Happy Birthday
Grab a new Myspace Layout


  1. HAPPY BIRTHDAY SWEET JAXSON!! I'm so proud of you & your beautiful, strong Mommy for ALL that you have gone through!! You are SUCH an inspiration to so many & I feel so blessed to know you!!! Looking forward to meeting you someday:)

    LOVE YOU WITH ALL OF OUR HEART & SOUL!! Hope you have the best day & with many years to come baby~!


    Melissa & Master Dillon

  2. Happy Birthday from all the Snell's. Can't wait to PARTY with you boy.

  3. Happy Birthday Jaxson!!! There are lots of people out there rooting and praying for you. You have touched so many hearts. Hope you have the best birthday ever!

    McClellan Family

  4. Happy Birthday, Jaxson!!

    We are celebrating you in Kansas and are so looking forward to hearing the blessings and wonders that are waiting for you in your next year!

  5. HAPPY BIRTHDAY JAXSON! Hope it is a really special and awesome day. You are such an inspriration, keep on fightin'!

  6. Happy Birthday Jaxson!! Can't wait to see you today!

  7. Happy Birthday precious boy, from the Stephenson's!

  8. Ha! I gave you a Happy Birthday hours ago.. right after it became your birthday, but I'm gonna say it again!

    Happy Birthday Jaxson!!!!!

  9. Happy Birthday to my favorite little angel! I love you so much and can't wait to give you some birthday love tonight! xoxo

  10. I hate to cry on your birthday Jax... but your mama wrote such a beautiful post it couldn't help it!
    Happy Birthday you sweet sweet little man!!

  11. Happy Birthday Little Man!!!! Wow, how amazing. A BEAUTIFUL post! He DOES look so good Lacey. It's so wonderful to see. I just want to get a chance to pick him up and hold him! PLEASE keep us posted on Boston. . .

  12. Happy Birthday to our Sweet Jaxson!
    Big Hugs!!!

    Loves -

    Angela & Phenny Man

  13. Wishing you the happiest birthday little man!
    Love Malakai and Loren

  14. Happy Birthday little one! Words will not come today, but tears do. Fight on little man!
    Thanks for sharing your little love with all of us, Lacey!
    We love you Jaxson!

  15. He is an absolute miracle and we are so very blessed to have him and you all in our lives.Enjoy the festivities.Wish we were there but look around you tonight, Lacey and Ray and look at all the people who love you and love your beautiful boy!!Kisses and hugs all around!

  16. Happy 45h Birthday Jaxson!

    he sure has been through so much in his 4 years - especially last year with all those hospitalizations - bless his heart! He sure deserves a break! What a fighter he is though.

  17. WOW. . .Sending Happy Birthday wishes Jaxson's way. I hope he gets super dooper spoiled.
    Happy Happy Birthday!

  18. Happy birthday sweet Jax. Have a kickin party!

  19. Happy Birthday to You! Happy Birthday to You! Happy Birthday Jaxson! Happy Birthday to You!

    Hope you have a wonderful day and a fun party! The world has been blessed by having Jax here for 4 years! What a little fighter and what a big inspiration!

    Love and Hugs!!!

  20. HAPPY BIRTHDAY JAXSON!!!! you are a STRONG, AMAZING, BEAUTIFUL, little boy:)

  21. Happy Happy Birthday!!!!
    Many wishes and prayers for a blessed year!

  22. Happy Happy Birthday Jaxon! We love you so much!

  23. Happy Birthday Miracle Boy - I hope your next year is a little less eventful!

  24. Happy Happy Birthday buddy! You're such a fighter!

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. HAPPY, HAPPY, HAPPY, HAPPY, HAPPY Birthday Jaxson. I wish I could be with you. I hope you get lots of hugs and kisses on your big day.

  27. Happy Birthday Jaxson, you are an amazing, courageous boy. Big hugs

  28. HAPPY BIRTHDAY JAXSON! We love you, though we don't know you! You are such a strong, beautiful boy and you are truly a miracle.


  30. I have tears in my eyes just thinking of everything Jax has been through, what a fighter what a brave strong little boy. He deserves the best 4th birthday ever.Jaxson so many people love you all around the world, so many good wishes, so many prayers and so much positive energy goes out to you. You have touched more people than you can imagine. Hope you have the greatest day and we pray for continuous improvement in your health over the coming year, I know that you you will keep getting stronger each day.

    Happy Birthday Sweet Jaxson

  31. Happy Birthday Big Guy! You are doing so well. We are all soooooo proud of you and how far you have come this year. Looking forward to what you are going to show everybody next. BIG Love and HUGs all the way from Illinois!

    Steph and Christopher


    I so wish we were there in person to celebrate with you.

    Seeing you so healthy and happy really brings a smile to my face. I can't believe how far you have come and all you have been through and now look at you......You're the BIG 4!!!!!!

    I am sending all my love, hugs and kisses to you .......You're one VERY lucky little man :0)

    Love you lots!!!

  33. Happy Birthday you definitely are a miracle! You have an awesome Mommy and family and I hope and pray you have many more birthdays to celebrate! (((HUGS)))!

  34. Happy Happy 4th Birthday Jaxson! Hope you had a lovely day and wonderful celebrations, and all the very very best for the year ahead! Stay the amazing fighter you are! You have touched and blessed so many people from around the world! You are blessed to have such an amazing family, especially your Mommy that loves you so much! God Bless, prayers always Love Mark Samm Deqlan Logan

  35. Happy Birthday you sweet srong Angel! I am rooting and praying for you as well as SO very many others! My heart goes out to you and your loving family. That LOVE is the key to your constant recovery! God Bless you all!
