Wednesday, October 28, 2009

My cute new trach baby

You'll never believe it, Jaxson slept ALL NIGHT LONG!!


He fell asleep a little late, around 11, but that was partly my fault. See his humidifier automatically turns to invasive when you turn it on, and invasive is hotter. I forgot to turn it to noninvasive. So I wondered why he wasn't sleeping and he was awfully warm on his face. So I realized my mistake, and 10 minutes after I turned it down he was out, and didn't wake up till 7:30. Oh yeah, I'm so doing the happy momma dance.

Heres a video with Jax and his trach. He was doing some great smiles, but of course as soon as we grabbed the camera he stopped. But he makes some great faces, and of course the great teeth grinding. I don't know why the video is so grainy, I guess because its a camera and not a video camera.

The nurse came out yesterday. He was really great. He's coming today at 2-6. He's going to come in the afternoons on Tuesday -Thursday so I can run errands. I usually like to take Jax with me, he's my little sidekick, but I think with winter coming, leaving him home is a better idea.


ParkerMama said...


With all of my heart I believe that traching Jax was the very best thing.

I think that you will see great things come from what I know from experience is a very hard decision.

Kristin said...

Oh Lacey - he looks sooo good. Isn't it yummier kissing cheeks without oxygen stickies!

Junior said...

awww Jax you are too cute

Stephanie said...

lacey,Jax looks great! How I would love to kiss those cheeks!
i can't believe how awesome he looks. i think it was the right call with the trach, and see like the nurse,that's awesome!

Unknown said...

Despite the grainy video, Jax looks great! I can't get over how good he looks now. Again, despite the grainy video ;o)

I'm happy that you're able to get a break of sorts, with a nurse being there. I know what you mean about Jax being your little side kick..I've been leaving Carly home a lot during this rampant run of swine flu.

Love those chubby checks..very kissable!!

Kim Rees said...

Hey Lacey! I love the video! Jax looks fantastic! As you know, we take Lily everywhere we go just like you do Jax so it will be an adjustment for you to not have him with you. I think it will be good for you though. You need to take care of yourself and it will be a nice break for you to get out and have some "me" time. So glad he slept through the night too! God is good and I know that only good will come out of this. God Bless.

Becky said...

That's the best I've seen him look in a LONG time. I'm so happy for you guys. :)

The VW's said...

Now I have a huge smile on my face! Jaxson has that affect on me! What a sweet boy!

Yay for sleeping well! I hope he continues to do this for you! HUGS!!!

Denise said...

You know how much I LOVE seeing Jax in motion!!!!! Smiles or not, he was definitely smiling inside. It really makes me realize how "not Jax" he was when we visited in August. I truly thought it was normal for him not to move around much. I LOVE watching him move!!!

Evie's Story said...

He looks like he is handling it so well! praying continued adjustment with all his new equipment and needs!
Just had to tell you that Evie had a little hissy fit at naptime today. Her Jaxson blankie was out being washed and she always "asks" (points and wants) her blanket to cover her up when I put her down. It was not well received that it wasnt there for her at naptime. It is SO loved!! THank you dear!

Team Carter Jay said...

He looks great!! I'm so glad that you like the nurse too.

Tausha said...

He looks great!! And I am so glad you like the nurse are able to get out and run errands.

Michelle said...

Yay for sleeping through the night! So glad you have a nurse that is able to come in the afternoons so you're able to run your errands too!

ANewKindOfPerfect said...

Oh Lacey, he looks great! That is amazing. I am glad he is doing so well. :)

Melissa said...


Lacey, I'm about to buy 2 tickets to fly to your house...that's how bad I want to meet you guys in person!

Jaxson, are one precious little Angel & I just ADORE YOU!! YAY on the trach making you so happy;)

The Lehnick Family said...

Lacey, Jax looks great! and happy! AND WAHOOO! Sleeping all night, that is fantastic...You looked relieved as well, so happy you are all doing so well with the transition. Sounds like you will be able to get some things done with the nurse coming out...I know the first few times will seem odd not having right with you, but you need that MOMMY time and you DESERVE it! Thanks for sharing a video of Jax...oh, I wish I could give him a kiss on those ever so kissable sweet!

Rochelle said...

We are doing a happy dance for you too! Yeah Jax, what a good boy you are for sleeping all night! Love the video, you are a handsome little guy!

Emily said...

Lacey... he looks fantastic! I love watching him in action. Pure cuteness! So glad you have a nurse. Enjoy those precious hours alone. You deserve them!

Heather said...

I have to say,i agree with everyone else,Jax looks great!I am so happy you and Jax got sleep last night and I am so happy you have a nurse coming in.Proud of you and so proud of that little guy.

Alison said...

YAY for sleep! Jaxson looks great in that video. Hard to believe he has only just come home from hospital.

Sasha@ Blyssfulhealth said...

So happy for you. I am glad that Jasxon slept the night. He looks great! And I am so glad that you are using the nurse! Thanks for your post about the hospital and asking staff to wear mask and do handwashing. I am going follow your advice.:)

Tina said...

aww what a beautiful video, Jax looks so full of life and happy, I can't believe how cute he looks and I love those cheeks.
Glad you're going to get a bit of time off to get stuff done, it must have been hard to leave him at home, but perhaps its a blessing in disguise with the flu seeming to come on full force there, everything really happens for the best plus you seem happy and comfortable with the nurse.
Awesome that he slept through the night too, both of you must have got some much needed rest.

ds.mama said...

Love those chubby cheeks. It is so wonderful to see him without the O2 on his face.

Anonymous said...

Oh I am so glad you got sleep, Jax got sleep...I am doing a little happy dance for you too! :) Look at that beautiful's priceless. So glad you are getting the 'hang' of things and he is settling now and getting adjusted. Such great news! Love and miss ya girl!

Maureen Claypool said...

I love the video! He's so cute!! So so happy that he slept through the night!!

Stephanie @ Ralphcrew said...

I'm so glad that Jax is doing better! He's so darn cute.

Alan Anderson said...

Yay for sleeping through the night! That is fantastic!! That will make a world of difference for you!! Also glad that you liked your nurse - with all the crap going around leaving him inside for running errands sounds like a great idea! Lots of loves and hugs to your little man!