Friday, October 30, 2009

Monkey boy

Ok, my pictures are all out of order because blogger is being a bugger and won't let me move my pictures.

Here is Jaxsons halloween costume. I'm so glad we weren't stuck in the hospital. I found this monkey costume at Old Navy and had to have it for him. Monkeys are kind of Jaxsons thing. His room is done in Curious George. I'll tell you how it started. Ray gave me this book mark of a baby orangutang that had red hair sticking straight up. It looked just like Jax when he was a baby. His hair was so red and it stook straight up to. And I really hope people don't take offense to this, but google baby orangutangs and tell me they don't look like down syndrome kids. They have the same little button nose and little round eyes. I love it.

I wasn't quite sure how to bath Jax after his trach. They said don't let water get around it so we tried the sink.
Um, don't think the sink is working to well, a little small wouldn't ya say?

I bought a baby bath tub and its to small too. So we are sticking to the big bath tub.
Anyone going to the UDSF halloween party tonight? We'll see you there.


Jen said...

Have you seen the little chairs you can get for the bathtub? Maybe that would work? Cute, cute costume!

Rochelle said...

Love the costume, so cute!

An idea for the bath...
We have a "safer baby bather pad"
from Target that we use in the big bath (it says 0-9 months but Alayna still likes to lay on it and so does Aidan who is 6). They lay on it and you can put just a little water in the tub so his trach could stay dry but, he stays warm. baby

Tausha said...

The chair is wonderful for bathing. It keeps them straight up and away from the water. We got ours at Baby's R Us. Love the Monkey suit, he is such a sweet little boy.

ds.mama said...

Great bathtub pic ;-)

Loren Stow said...

I have been so busy lately that I haven't had a chance to comment.
Jax is looking so handsome with his short hair! LOVE IT!
Just a shout out from down in SA to say hi and we're thinking of you all!
Happy Holloween!

Junior said...

love his costume, very cute

mandd3 said...

I always thought my son looked like a little monkey, especially when he wrinkles his forhead. Jaxon is adorable in his costume.

evies Story said...

What a CUTE lil monkey he makes! Adorable!

I still bathe Evie in the sink...although Jax DOES look a bit big for that one:-) Hope you are adjusting. He is so precious to all of us!

Alison said...

Love the photos. He is a gorgeous little monkey. I love the photo in the sink - hilarious.

Kristin said...

I'm in the same bathtub dilemma!We're still debating if we're going to the halloween party (in an hour). Max has a touch of a cold and we don't want to spread germs. I may just bring Piper.

The VW's said...

Jax is the cutest little monkey ever!!!

Have you tried the kitchen sink for bathing Jax? We have a bear shaped sponge/foam thing, that is actually made for infants to lay on to be bathed and we have Gavin sit on the sponge/foam thing and it supports his head a little and makes it more comfy too. He barely fits in the one side of our kitchen sink anymore, but for now this works best for bathing Gavin.

Gavin does not look as peaceful as Jax does during bathtime though! I wish Gavin behaved so well!

Have fun at the party! HUGS!!!

LisaL said...

He looks so adorable sitting in the sink! They make bathing seats for all size children (up to adults. Of course because they are specialized they are not cheap, but they have straps and headrests to keep kids safe while in the big tub. There are variety, but this one is nice because the height is also adjustable in addition to the back and leg support adjusting. $400+ is a bit crazy, but they work very well!
Or another option that a friend of mine used was a small inflatable boat. Not sure where they got it though. He is adorable!!

Emily said...

Jax looked darling in his costume tonight! I'm glad I got to love on him! I could do that all night! Yea... I'm thinking the sink is wee bit too small!

Stephanie said...

OK, is it me or does Jax just look happier! Lacey his face looks different since the trach, like less stressed or something. More peaceful.
And I totally get the baby orangutang thing, so funny!

Michelle said...

he's cute in his costume! Yeah the sink does look a bit small for him! Hope you're able to figure out a different solution for bath time!

Anonymous said...

Lacey he is looking so good. I love his fresh new do :)

His monkey costume is ADORABLE!!!

They used to sell really big baby bath tubs....It was called the Euro Tub or something.....try looking it up....It's white and a one piece construction and very easy to clean.....Try babies r us that's where I got my friends daughters at.

Lynsi said...

I have followed your blog for a while but never commented but thought I would suggest 2 things for the bath tub situation...I have seen a kids euro tub and they are bigger than a baby tub and then we have one of these I am not sure if he would still be too big but cheap enough taht it could be worth a try
Hope that helps!

Lynsi said...

oh I found what the euro tub looks like and a link