
Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Check this out

Look at these pics, aren't they the cutest? The reason I make these blankies. For the pictures of these sweet warriors that I get in return. We are doing a pretty good job with our huge order we got. Working extra hard to get them all done.

The first of our rememberance blankies are finally done and will be sent out today. I'm quite proud of them, and I can't wait to see the response from the family's of these angels. If you know anyone that has lost a child and would like one, just fill out the regular blankie form and put their birth and death date.

I though since October is Down syndrome awarness month, tomorrow I will post our story about finding out Jax had DS. No we did not know before he was born. Thats all I will say.
He was talking up a storm and being so cute this morning, I had to snap some pics, but he wouldn't hold still for to long, making it quite the struggle to catch his smile.


  1. Lacey,

    You are truly amazing. The blankets look great, what a blessing you are to so many...and I LOVE the pics of Jax he looks so cute. How is his rash doing?

  2. Those blankets are amazing. I wish I had a sewing machine that embroidered names. However I did get a new one that actually works...woohoo! Love the pics of my buddy Jax!

  3. Jaxson, You are such a handsome little man!!! HUGS!!!

  4. The blankies are gorgeous - and so is Jaxson of course!

  5. Such a special gift for any child.

  6. Lacey those blankets are beautiful. You are so good , just a really good person. I'm glad I "know" you girl!
    I can't wait to hear about Jax and not knowing that he had Ds before he was born. It's very interesting to me to see the way God picked the way things should go for different people.Some knew, some didn't, some thought their baby might. Get writing!
    I can see a smile in that first pic!

  7. Love the blankies! Jaxson is cute as always!

  8. CUTIE PIE PICTURES!!!!! God I love them :0)

  9. The remembrance blankies are BEAUTIFUL!! Unfortunately they made me cry at just the sight of the names of those poor Angels taken away so quickly. Jax looks good in the photos. I was just thinking about him as I was feeding Ella tonight and wondering if he O2 is holding better at night after his procedure so you can get some sleep??? I am going to email you back right now.

  10. What beautiful blankets, you are able to bring a smile to the faces of so many families, bless you for doing that. jax is looking so cute, handsome little man indeed!!! Look forward to reading your next blog about when jax was born and about finding out about the DS, I didn't find out until afterwards either.

  11. The blankets look amazing. What a great job you are doing. Jax look so cute in his pictures.

  12. Oh, those rememberance blankies did turn out amazing. What a great thing you are doing for people!

  13. Lacey, you're amazing to keep up with all of these...loved seeing the photos and the remembrance blankies are a PRECIOUS additon!

  14. Those blankies are beautiful. What a precious remembrance for the families who lost an angel.

  15. Wow - I told you you would get that blanket done fast and you did. It is such a great stitch!!

    The blankets turned out awesome! I have been so busy lately I haven't had time to post comments on blogs or visit all them either. I am attempting to catch up now!
