Friday, September 11, 2009

Finally a blankie picture

I've sent out like 10 blankies in the last three weeks and have yet to get a picture from anyone. Today I finally got one. Yeah. Go read this tiny warriors story.
Tomorrow we are going to girlfriend Preslie's birthday party. Can I just tell you how much fun it was buying girl stuff. Oh yeah, I never get to buy girl stuff so I went just a little crazy.
We have a plan set for Jax. What does that mean? Another surgery.
Yep, thats right. This one will break the double digit mark. Surgery number 10. I will go into the whole plan in another post because its long and confusing.
So I'll just leave you with a picture of my own tiny warrior.


Anonymous said...

Your family is amazing.

Heather said...

Love that picture of him.Been thinking of him and you all alot lately.Waiting for the tide to turn for you all.I feel it coming my friend.Kiss Miss P for me and her momma too,would you ?

ds.mama said...

Oh man is he ever looking handsome!

Kim said...

Such an adorable boy..both of them! What a wonderful thing you do!

ANewKindOfPerfect said...

I am glad you have a plan in place, that has to be a relief of sorts. Jaxson is always in my thoughts!

Off to check the blankie page.

Denise said...

I am glad you have a plan and I can't wait to hear what it is. Love that picture of Jax!!! And what a little cutie who received the blanket. I am going to go read his story right now. Have a great time at Preslie's bday party and give everyone hugs for us!!!

ch said...

Yum, yum...a post full of handsome boys...what an unexpected treat! Heads for Jax as you all gear up for #10...

Cammie Heflin said...

Oh Jax don't catch up with Addy! She's had 12 surgeries! She loves her blanky! She laid on it when she was having those horrible reactions to the "poison" in her body!

Shelly Turpin said...

A plan is something to hold onto. Hoping for the best...always

The VW's said...

What cuties.....both of them!!! I can't believe that you have time to send out blankies with all that you have going on! You must be a superwoman!

I hope you had a great day! I love buying girly stuff too! We would go broke for sure if I ever had a girl! Maybe that's why I've only been given boys?!

Don't make us wait too long to find out what Jax's new plan and surgery is! I might go crazy wondering and worrying about your little man! I'll be praying! Love and Hugs!

Kristin said...

I sent you a picture of Max with his blankie, didn't I? Let me know if you need another one (or copy one off our blog)
Can't wait to hear "the plan"!

Emily said...

You are such an amazing woman! If only I could be just like you one day...
It was so great to see you again for Preslie's birthday! I LOVE holding Jax! I love his picture too. He is one amazing warrior!

Mama Mason-Mann said...

What a beautiful picture. Red looks really good on him! Hugs!