Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Buddy Walk pics

Even though Jax and I were stuck in a hospital room, daddy and the boys went to walk for Jax. We had some other people still come to support Jax. We didn't have the team that I originally planned, but like I said, I knew he wouldn't be there so I kind of gave up. Next year we plan on not missing it. We've yet to make it to a Buddy Walk in his almost 4 years. Yikes, thats sad.
The Buddy Walk mascott.

Jaxsons little team.

There was a huge turnout. So huge that you had to wait in line for two hours for lunch.

Jaxsons little buddy Justin.

Waiting to go under the arch to start the walk.

The back of the shirts. I realized that I didn't put Buddy walk anywhere on the shirts. Oh well, this was a trial run for next year. We have lots of extra shirts if you want one. Their 8 dollars.

I finally talked to ENT yesterday. Now I just need to call and schedule the surgery. All of his doctors agree this is the route to take. his cardiologist said it needs to be done to lower his pressures. The only drug that lowered his pressures in the cath lab was Epoprostenol. And they don't like to use it because they start it IV, and if you stop it or miss a dose the pressures can skyrocket. So its only a last resort drug. So he started him on Digoxin to help his heart pump effectively, and enalipril to vasodilate his veins. And of course the trach. Pulmonlogy and ENT agree. Me and Ray have already discussed it and I've even shown the boys pictures of our trached friends so they get an idea what Jax will have. I'll let you know what the surgery date will be.


The VW's said...

Great pictures! Sorry you and Jax had to miss the walk!

I pray that the trach surgery goes well and that Mr. Jax will grow and thrive with it! HUGS!!!

Junior said...

Really nice pics from the buddy walk, praying that next year you and Jax will be there.

Big hugs and prayers for the upcoming trach surgery.

Emily said...

Please do keep us updated on the surgery date. I pray that all goes well. We missed you and Jax at the walk... but it was so nice to see the rest of your family there!

Team Carter Jay said...

We're a PCMC family too, so I can relate to everything you're going through. I'll be praying for little Jaxson's upcoming surgery.

Michelle said...

Praying for you and Jax this morning...always in my thoughts.

Christine said...

Great pictures. Love the dog. I hope that Jax and you get to enjoy the walk next year. Good luck with surgery and I really hope this is what Jax needs. Prayers continuing.

Mama Mason-Mann said...

I hope the trach gives him the break he needs. Good luck with the surgery. Thoughts and prayers, as always.

Kim Rees said...

Best of luck Lacey with the trach and all! I know things will work out. God is on your side. The pictures are great! How do I get one of those t-shirts?

Stephanie said...

It will all work out, Praying that this trach helps Jax. Nice pics from the Buddy Walk, Jax better get his little buns ready for next year!

Cammie Heflin said...

Awesome pictures, a big bummer that Jax and you had to miss out, I'm sure next year is going to be awesome!

Alison said...

The walk looks great - I really hope you make it next year.

Now that you've made your decision I hope the wait for surgery isn't too long.

MichelleH said...

I would love to have one of Jax's shirts here in Iowa. I'll send you the money with enough to cover postage if you could put one in the mail to me! What an honor to help share his story!

Anonymous said...

My friend, hopefully one of these years, we'll walk together. I am here, I am not too far away, I am an ear a shoulder, a sounding board, a chef, a taxi, whatever you need, I am! Love you dear!!!

Michelle said...

Looks like Jax had a great team walking for him! So sorry you both couldn't be there though :(