
Friday, August 7, 2009

Good news

Ok the first good news, the nissen is intact. Wahoo. I didn't know what we would do if that was undone again. My ped talked to Dr. lungs on the phone and she wants to see him ASAP. We have an appointment on the 24th but I'm supposed to call on Monday and see if she wants to see him sooner. We may be ok now that we know his nissen is working.

Also, guess who I got to go see today? Baby Kaelyn. They had to put her back on c-pap so its kind of hard to see that little face, plus she's nice and cozy in her little warm cacoon. So the pics are not the greatest, sorry. The top one is her mommy holding her blankie, then I tried to zoom in on her little face. She is soo tiny. I know she's grown a lot, but man, she's itty bitty. Boy my heffer baby was almost 8 lbs when he was born. That was very nice to see her, I can't wait until she's big enough to come over and play!

And I wanted to update on my little Libby because people have been asking. She's holding her own. They don't want to do a cath until she stablizes. But if they keep her calm and in bed she doesn't shunt as much and has been satting in the 80's, yeah Libby. She still has a long way to go and she is still very sick, so keep praying. She is very puffy so they have heavy diuretics on board, and her belly is very distended and hard so they are checking into that problem.

Have a great night everyone.


  1. Praying for your little Libby and her worried Mom...Glad Jax is doing "OK" (ya, got that from Arabella's site) Thinking of you guys always...

  2. I like good news when I come here ... makes me smile.So glad you got to see Kaelyn.I can only imagine how tiny she is.Tiny but what a fighter!We continue to pray for Jax and know more good news will come your way because he too is a mighty fighter!

  3. Baby Kaelyn is beautiful! I am so glad you had her at the BBQ. I didn't know who she was until then.
    I am so glad to hear the good news with Jax!

  4. Lacey - I sent you an e-mail, but it keeps bouncing back to me. I think it is MY e-mail issues. They have been having lots - they are owned by Yahoo.

    Anyway, soooooo glad to hear that Jaxson is doig better. Will keep praying for both Jax and Libby. :)

    Try to get some rest this weekend.

    Steph and Christopher

  5. Great news that the Nissen is still intact and that you got to see Kaelyn - I have been following her blog too.

  6. Yeah for good news!Give our big guy hugs and kisses for us!!!!
    Beautiful pics!!!

  7. Ok! Need more information on the fan for the stroller! What a great idea!

  8. Phew! I'm so glad that fundo is still intact girlie :0)

    NOt sure if anyone has told you this or how to do it but you can do a little test at home to check if the nissan is still intact...

    Don't get scared it's easy peasy. You won't have any trouble at all doing it and Jax won't mind(Not to much anyways) ;)

    All you need is some blue dye as in blue food coloring/suction catheter and Jax of course ;)....

    If Jax is allergic to dye directly you can use blue jello...Dye works best though and you don't need very much

    All you do is shove a bit of that blue dye in mixed with a smidge of water of course...Give it a sec then suction....

    Follow these next directions exactly...

    If you see NO blue then you jump up and down ..spin a little jig...sing to the top of your lungs then snatch Jax up into your arms and spin you both in many many circles till you pee your pants or puke whichever comes first...

    IF you see blue....

    Bend over...put your head between your knees and kiss your butt goodbye cause that baby has come loose! LOL

    I'm makin' bacon at just past midnight by the way....I know random and NO I'm not on anything just hungry and just realized I hadn't eaten since lunch :0)

    Talk soon...

    Trina and Jophie

  9. Yay for good news! That's a relief! Gavin's is still supposedly intact and he spits up a few times a day. They say that it can be a little loose or when they gag hard enough some can come up anyway.

    I hope the rest of your family is doing better! Is everyone on the mend and behaving themselves?

    I'm praying for Libby! What a sweet girl!

    Have a great weekend! LOVE and HUGS!!!

  10. Keeping all of you in our prayers

  11. Oh my gosh, look at that teeny little face! How adorable. :)

    I know the relief of hearing that the Nissen is still intact, as we went through that at the hospital a few weeks back! Ours is "loose but intact and mostly functioning". It's her second, so I was THRILLED to hear that it wasn't undone. Thank heavens Jaxson's is fine still too!!

  12. Oh I got so excited when I saw the heading "Good News" under your blog on my iGoogle page!!! That IS great news! keep up the good work Jax!

  13. Thanks for the update on Libby - been praying and thinking about her.

    So glad the nissen is intact - whew!

  14. Thanks again for coming to visit and for the awesome blanket. It couldn't be more perfect! Jax is such a stud!
