
Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Oh so cute

Our photoshoot went well today. I just hope they turn out of Jaxson. He was with an adorable 4 year old named Zoey, no not the Zoey your thinking of. He basically layed there and they tried to get her to smile and be cute. Once again I'm reminded of how much my almost 4 year old can't do. She'll be smiling so cute and he'll just be sitting there looking around. The reason I really wanted him in the calendar this year (besides that he's so cute) is I don't know where we'll be with him next year. I promise I'm not being pessimistic, just honest. He may be having a huge, scary surgery in the months to come, and while he was relatively healthy I thought they better do it.
My sisters are coming in to town tomorrow. One from Oklahoma with my two nieces, and the other from California. I'm so excited to see them. I'm going to go girl shopping crazy since i don't get to buy for girls.
I was going through my pics of Jax, I'm sending Kaelyn's mommy some pics of when he had his PDA ligated. She's having that done soon. And I found these cute pics of him from 2007. Enjoy.
This is what mommy does to me when I have long hair.

One of my favorites of him. He looks so angelic.


  1. Oh my goodness the pigtails are too cute. Is that what you do when you don't have a girl? Jaxson has awesome hair. Thanks for making me laugh today - I needed it!!

  2. Julie is posting pictures on FB! Hopefully she will post some from today. How did it go!?!

  3. Those pics are just adorable!! I wish I had some words of advice when it comes to the "future" of your family, just know that you have alot of people "walking" with you (even from many miles away) thinking of you and saying a prayer today (and some hugs too)

  4. Oh and by the way thumbs up on the pig tails! Too Cute!

  5. Jax is that you in piggy tails??? I just stomped my feet and said "he's a boy" just like I did the day they put purple bows in my horses mane and tail. My mom says it's ok though you look cute.

  6. I bet Jax will be the cutest one in the calendar for sure!!!

    Those pictures of him are priceless! I've threatened to put Gavin's hair in a pony tail, but his brothers won't allow it!

    Thanks for the smiles! Have a wonderful time with your sisters! HUGS!

  7. I just came across your blog through Denise and Emily...your little guy is just amazing and so are you! Can't wait to see your photos that you had done! How fun!
    Your story is so inspiring...and I have heard that you are just an amazing person. I have 3 children and our youngest has Down syndrome...he is 15 months and his name is Brayden....I would love to follow your blog if that is name is Darlena BTW...

  8. Putting him in pigtails ... you'll do anything for a girl won't you Lacey!!He is angelic.And I get where you are coming from about the future so I think you are doing a really great thing .. living in the beautiful moment of right now.Thank you for your support and love after all the BS going on my way.Never goes unnoticed.

  9. Oh... his pictures are so precious! I'm sure his photo shoot turned out fabulous! I can't wait to see him in the calendar. Thanks again for stopping by today! I LOVE holding Jax!

  10. Are these pics. recent? Jax looks less puffy! Hope things are going good for him and you!

  11. I love the pix! They are soo cute!

  12. ROFL! I've done the piggy tail thingy too AND one time my friend was feeling horrible after surgery.....At that time Jophie and I lived with their family....I borrowed a dress from her little girls closet...Minnie RED polkie dot AND matching polkie dot minnie bows and YEP! You know where this is going....I dressed up JOPHIE! He was around 2. Brought him in to her bed...Held him in a standing position and made him do the twisty...She woke up all bleary eyed and just knew she was on waaay too many meds and must surely be delusional! Course Jophies hair was always very long clear to his butt...Gorgeous ringlets of sable curls...I loved it!

    I love Jax in that long dooo too! Let it grow long and wild! :0)

    Talk soon...

    Trina and Jophie

  13. Look at the little babies being so cute! AAAWWW, I can't wait to see how the calendar turns out!

    Enjoy shoppin for the little girl...I was more upset that Dillon wasn't a girl than the Down Syndrome! LOL I just ADORE girls pretty!!! HAVE FUN:)

    Big {{HUGS}} Thinkin of you guys today!

  14. Love the piggies!!! I am sorry you have to go through so much. You are such a great mommy to all of your boys. So you have mentioned that you are going to move to CA a few times. When will you be doing that? Would you go to southern CA?

  15. yahoo!!!! look! look! stephanie's trick WORKED! I'm actually getting a chance to see jaxson's page again! oh.........i have catching UP to do...i envy you your upcoming sister time. nothing better!
    now off to read my way back through the jaxson chronicles...

  16. Mean mommy!!! My first thought was that this was a picture of the Zoey you mentioned and then I read what you wrote. Really I am just kidding...I think the pigtails are adorable. I can't believe he has that much hair. Yes, he is truly angelic in those other pics...beautiful actually.

  17. I can't wait to see the pics from the photo shoot - will they let you have some for your blog?
    So exciting!!!

  18. How stinkin cute is he??!!!!!!!

  19. Super sweet! Does your hubby know you put pigtails in his hair? LOL! I love it! Can't wait to see the pics of Jax with Zoey! Have a good day!

  20. That pigtail picture is too funny!
    So glad your sisters are coming for a visit. Hope you have a great time!

  21. He is so little, darling pics.
