
Friday, March 6, 2009

Naughty naughty baby

This is where our oxygen is spending most its time these days.

So guess what we got to wear for a while today.

Hopefully that will detour him from pulling. or maybe not.

Look at this bruise from his shot. I wanted to do it in his arms because his poor legs already look horrible. But this is the worst bruise he's ever gotten from the shots.

Jax has an appointment next Wednsday with his cardiologist. He's going to do an echo to check his function and check for clots. Other than that Jax is doing great. He still looks puffy in the face and his oxygen need is still a little higher, but we can deal with that.

Sweet little Charlotte's mom just asked me if Jax could use Charlottes wheelchair. How can I not just cry. Charlotte barely passed away 10 days ago and her mom is trying to better other people's life's. We are going to go look at it and see if it will work for Jax. And of course when Jax can't use it anymore we will find another family in need to give it to. Thank you so much Erin, I only hope to be as strong as you are.

Oh and also I wanted to share what I found from another mom. Alex, who has HLHS, his mom showed me this great website that has kids medical bracelets. This is the cool one I ordered for Jax. They are soft and they fit our tiny kids hands. The website is You can also have them engraved on the back, go check it out.


  1. Jaxson your teeth don't need oxygen silly boy. Too funny.

  2. Jax little buddy, I am with you. I HATE that thing in my nose. I hope you get better so you don't need it.

  3. That is Phoenix's favorite place for his oxygen! I think the boys have been talking and have decided to gang up on us!
    The pics are to cute! Glad to see that twinkle in your eyes again little man! Hugs

  4. So glad he is feeling better and looking better.What a wonderful,unselfish gesture from Charlotte's mom.The strength of some people simply amaze me.

  5. Hi, I can't help but giggle seeing Jax put the oxygen in his mouth. :)

  6. He is too funny...and smart. He knows what he doesn't want! :) Glad he is having a better day. He is so dang cute!

  7. I can't tell you how many times we would wake up to the annoying pulse ox alarm going off in the middle of the night because Landon had pulled the cannula out of his nose! I sure don't blame them for not wanting it there though!!

  8. Hi my name is Mandy and I found your little Jaxon through kidz and I put Jaxon's button on my blog because I have read a lot of your blog and the stories of him. He has touched my heart and I am praying for him and your family!! THat is so nice of Charlotte's mom to share with you a piece of her!! This will help her to heal as well! What a blessing! Oh I pray for you all that things will continue to get better! You amaze me with your strength! I hope you don't mind if I check in from time to time and see how you all are doing!? Thank you for inspiring us! Best of Luck to you Jaxon!

  9. Jaxson! You naughty boy! I don't blame you though! Gavin hates his on too!

    I am actually happy when Gavin continuously pulls his off, because it shows me that he is able to figure out what he doesn't like. I know that you understand, since Jaxson has a brain injury as well. To see our buddies doing ANYTHING is a blessing! So, keep on pulling it off Jaxson and being naughty! You are a smarty pants and very handsome too! :)

  10. I just have to say I just love your little guy :) I have been lurking on your blog a while and just wanted to tell you how much I like it.

  11. thank you for your comment!

    Oh that first pic is too funny when he decided to move the oxygen tube! Little stinker!

  12. Oh Jax! Don't tell me that you're still keeping your Momma on your toes! You're lucky you're TOO CUTE!

    WOW, that's someting pretty AMAZING for them to have given you that wheelchair, I'm all teared up thinking about it...WOW!

  13. Malachi always put the oxygen in his mouth like that! haha Silly little Jax!! I am sooooo happy to hear that he is doing better! And I am so touched that someone is willing to give you the wheelchair! What an AMAZING group of women. I am encouraged daily by the stories on here! You are all great!!!

  14. OK I have to laugh at these pictures because this is how I find Carter every morning. The oxygen is either in his mouth or on top of his nose - neither of which does what it is supposed to! But I do have to give them credit - they know that foreign objects do not belong in their noses!!

    Mom to Carter
