
Sunday, March 8, 2009

A little bit of g-tube drama

I'll start from the beginning of the story. When Jax had his nissen redone on Feb. 4, they put a new g-tube in. They put in a 14 french, 1.5. Well he normally has a 1.0. A 1.5 is way to long for him. It was leaking all the way through his clothes. So we moved him down to a 1.2, I told them he needs a 1.0 but they said we have to try it. Whatever, so the 1.2 was leaking too.
So when he was in the hospital last weekend the stoma nurse ordered me a 1.0 and we put it in. It hasn't leaked since. Well this morning when I went to change his dressing his button came out. The balloon was totally deflated. So I checked it and sure enough there was a hole in the balloon. The only spare button I had was the 1.2, so I put that in. I hadn't had a chance to order the 1.0 yet. Usually a button last's him around 3 months, so when it came out in a week I wasn't prepared.

So when we are at the grocery store I notice that his shirt is soaking wet. The button was leaking all over the place. So when I got home I dug into my g-tube emergency kit. I have like 6 of them because they have a new rule at the hospital that anyone with a g-tube needs to have an emergency kit taped to their bed. I take them all home with me. We had to put the foley catheter in until tomorrow and I can have them bring me out a button.

Isn't it lovely?

And since our clothes were soaked we got to spend the rest of the day in our jams. Thats ok, its Sunday.

Last night Jax played at his aunts house while we went on a date. She got some really cute pics of him. I will post them when she emails them to me.


  1. oh thats no fun, I remember Junior having the balloon on his pop one time during the night, ewww what a mess.
    Such sweet pictures, pjs are perfect for Sunday.

  2. PJ's are exactly what a cozy Sunday calls for. Jax is such a cutie!!

  3. Sorry about all the drama! What in the world would you do with all your time, if there wasn't always something like this going on?!

    I love the tummy picture! I wish that I could squeeze him!

  4. Lacey, you are sooo sweet, Junior would absolutely love a blanket.

  5. Addy pulled her mic-key button out last year and had to have a new one placed. I have no spares around and wouldn't have a clue what to do!! Her bard button sucks (sorry but it does) it leaks and the extension doesn't lock so I am asking for our mic-key back and I just might ask for a spare!

  6. Wow Lacey I sure learn so many new things visiting your blog. Sometime you might have to explain the rig g-tube job you just did today. Ava has a 14 Fr/ 1.7 CM. I have a spare on hand but the surgeons want to change Ava's first tube. Our home health care nurse told me how to do it and she said "Terri here is how to do it. I'm sure you can do this on your own!" So I feel a little better now.

    Sorry to hear you had a iffy day....can anything ever be easy? Not in our world.....oh except potty training Ava now that has gone pretty smoothly I have to admit.

    Hey Jaxson and Ava practically have the same hairdo. I just noticed this tonight!

  7. Lacey, I'm somewhat new to Jax blog and I read tonight's post so I have a question...
    My son also has a mic key and we're having the same leakage issue. He was at a 1.5, I begged to go down to a 1.2 and he's STILL soaking his clothes. I'm considering a 1.0 now. With the 1.2 I can still fit 3 split iv gauze pads under it and it's still leaking. How tight should the button be?

  8. that jaxson's hair is so stinking cute i can't stand it! what a fab kid!! i came over from jaxson's blankie site...and i just think it's all great!

    and i see that tabitha and you are friends...she's stinking amazing...keep her on your side!

  9. Poor goodness...I am sorry! And yet with all the G-tube 'drama' he is still so dang cute! Hope you guys have a better week and get all that 'stuff' sorted out!

  10. We did that exact same thing this weekend. Except last week I switched Rhett's out cuz it was time, and I didn't get a new one ordered. The balloon had a hole in it.

    So we have had the foley cathater too. They're so ugly, and harder to take care of than the button.

    I'm glad I'm not the only one with issues with the hospital. ((HUGS))

  11. Oh my gosh! I thought G-tubes were supposed to be the way to go, at least that is what our gastro doc said on Friday when we went to our appointment. I sure hope that if Liliana has to get one that we don't have as much drama as you did. Glad to hear that you went out on a date! We all need some time to ourselves to get refreshed! Hope Jax has a better week with little or no drama! Your in my thoughts and prayers!

  12. Jaxson always keeping his Momma on his toes;) WOW, that's a great job that you did!! I'm getting so nervous for Dillon's upcoming GTUBE surgery, I honestly don't think I'll be half as good as you're so amazing!

  13. Hi Lacey, it took a lot of research and figuring out how to go about getting the items Junior has. Things like his bike and swing which every "normal" child has were too expensive to just go out and purchase. I was able to get both funded through different groups who help disabled children with getting recreational items. The sidebar on my blog has the links to both Ambucs(bike) and Challenged America(swing).
