
Sunday, January 25, 2009

Vacation time baby!!

In case you couldn't tell, we are huge Disney fans. Mickey Mouse is everywhere in our house. Its just a place were no matter how old you are you feel like a child there. My husband is from Southern California and still has relatives there. My sister also moved there, so we have lots of excuses to go back.

I just started planning our trip this year and its going to be fantastic. We will start off in Legoland, we've never been there but the boys are sooo excited. Then after we visit with relatives we are staying at the Disneyland hotel. Yeah, we've never stayed there before. We are going the first week in April. We have our wonderful rep from homecare already working on our oxygen situation to get Jax everything he needs. And if anyone is thinking of taking their special needs child there, Disneyland is wonderful. We get a handicap pass that lets us push him all the way up to the entrance so we don't have to carry him and all his gear (not to mention that we don't have to wait in line for some rides) Also last year I was a ditz and forgot to check Jax oxygen before we headed over and we ran out in the middle of Disneyland. A great employee walked us down the middle of the parade route to first aid were they put him on their tanks while my husband ran back to the hotel. They even let us bring a spare and keep it there in case we ran out again.

We are so excited and Lord knows we need a break. Even though I think every time we've taken Jax to California we've made a hospital trip. So that doesn't stop but its still a relaxing time. Also we found out little Zoey lives not far from were we will be so we hope to get together with her and her family, yeah.

By the way, we are getting pretty close to a good smile, wouldn't ya say?


  1. Beautiful smile! I hope you guys have fun and get some relaxing down time! Enjoy yourselves!
    Hug mickey for us!

  2. Oh yes...I sure do see that smile!And a beautiful one at that.One with the eyes.My favorite.Well,anyway you cut it, I think Zoey will still be inpatient.But...we still expect to see you.Can't let a chance like this to pass us by.As for Legoland.Can I tell you that my boys just love,love love it.We,or rather Mark and ALL the kids and ALL the boyfriends are heading to Disneyland on Feb.8th.We got an amazing price on tickets through our regional center.Courtesy of Miss Zoey.Sad that she won't get to go but we are hoping for a lifetime of Disney trips.The boys were so young when we last went so this will be a great trip.As will yours.See you in April.

  3. Disney is the best!!! How can you not be happy there?! So happy for you guys that you can make this trip and even see Miss Zoey! I'm a tad bit jealous, but VERY happy for all of you!

    Yay Jaxson! Keep those precious smiles coming little man! It makes us moms VERY happy! What a sight to see!

    Hugs from MI,

    Alicia and Gavin

  4. Disney, so exciting, one of these days I want to take Junior.
    Yes, I absolutely see a smile. Yeah Jaxson.

  5. i sure would say that was a smile. I am so excited for you gonig to disney land!!

  6. I so see a smile in there. His eyes are even smiling. Your right, he is gaining more everyday. A trip to dinsey sounds like a great time. I have taken the boys to World but have wanted to take them to Land. I went there several times when I was growing up and I have always loved Cali a little bit more than Florida.

  7. Too cute! And what fun! Lacey, you are such a good mom! I cannot wait to meet little Jaxon in person. take care!

  8. Jaxson is so sweet! Thanks for visiting my blog and introducing me to your very special little guy. He sounds like an incredible little fighter with a lot of spirit. I hope you guys have a great time at Disney! We've never been, but are looking forward to it some day. By the way, your defibrilator story is so frustrating! Yes, Walmart should definitely be getting a letter from you.

  9. Oh Lacey~ Jaxsons smile is beautiful. Enjoy Disney!

  10. Too bad you're not going to Disneyland on April 4th...cause I'd get in for free!

  11. OH... that's definitely a smile and a good one at that! What a cutie.

    We went to DLand in October and LOVED it. Even Chloe loved it. I thought she wouldn't care, but oh I was wrong. She was in heaven! It's sooo nice to have a getaway to look forward to. It helps with the mundane tasks.

  12. Until you lose your child's smile one simply can't understand that pain. Larkin was lost to us for so very long because of her seizures. Her daddy was heartbroken because she wouldn't look at us, smile or laugh. Once those gifts returned to us - we treasure them so much. It took a long time but eventually they find their way back. In the meantime we are thinking of you all.

  13. Jax, you are so HANDSOME! UGH, that little smile coming back is just melting my heart...

    I just want you to know how much of an inspiration you are to me Lacey & Jax!! Thank you so much for putting up those comments when Dillon went into the Hospital. It's been a journey, but the entire time I want you to know that I was thinking of you both...knowing how blessed I was & how I knew that Dillon was going to be ok. I stand amazed with your strength & I really appreciate your encouragement for it has not been easy.
    Thank God that everything is all better & Dillon is on his way to also becoming a little piggy;)

    I am also a big fan of Disney!! I hope & pray that you guys have a great time with no ER visits!! You certainly derserve it & so much more!!!!

    God Bless you & thanks again for being who you are!

  14. Lacey,

    Could you please e-mail me your address. I have something to send to you and Jaxson. You can get it to me at

    Thanks so much! Hope Jaxson is still practicing his smiles for you! He is PRECIOUS!

