
Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Some more cuteness

This is my only pic I have of my adorable baby smiling. And it is grainy because it was taken with my phone. He was 3 months old. Then at 4 months old he went into the hospital and stayed for 4 months on the ventilator. The hospital stole his beautiful smile from us.

Ya now we are in a better financial situation, but at what cost. I would love to have my cute little starter home back, or even the house we were renting back just to see that smile again. We are working on it though, and he is starting to pull those sides of his mouth up a little and you can see it in his eyes. His brain is healing a little but we don't know how much more he will do. So you can imagine why I hold so close this little grainy photo of his smile.

Here are a couple of pics from a photo shoot we did with some friends. I can't find my disc but when I do I will post the rest because they are adorable. Arianna just likes to grab Jax and give him kisses.

Jax is doing ok, he is still fussy with his feeds. We go in on Friday and have an oxygen tank holder fitted to his stroller, that will be so nice. Then Tuesday we go to the ENT to find out what he can do for Jax airway, another surgery no less. Have a great night everyone.


  1. I'm glad to hear that Jaxson hasn't had anymore grey episodes. I know from when Carson passed out on me how scary that was and I can totally relate to what you felt. I have prayed that he can get to feeling better. I love his smile in the pic. I think in time, your going to see that once again.

    Take care

  2. That picture is adorable, and so are the other two. He looks like such a big boy all dressed up.
    Junior was two before he started smiling and now he smiles all the time, hang in there, one of these days Jaxson will surprise you with a big grin.

  3. what did the hospital do that messed him up so bad?

  4. I can totally relate to the ache you have of missing your sweet boy's smile. I held one photo close to my heart for months, as it was the only picture that I had of Gavin smiling. He was about 3 months old in it. Then he too spent months in the hospital, had his stroke and didn't smile for the LONGEST time. Today he smiles often. I pray that this is the case for you and your tough Jaxson! I'll be praying for this for you and so much more! Jaxson you are one adorable and amazing little guy!

    Hugs from MI,
    Alicia and Gavin

  5. I love those pictures. What happened in the hospital? he is adorable, someday you will see that smile again

  6. Praying for this precious boy, he is so sweet.

  7. Hi Lacey! I'm doing some catching up w/bloggin & when I saw these photo's it just put such a HUGE smile on my face! Jax & your kiddo's are so adorable...YOU ARE BLESSED!
