
Sunday, December 7, 2008

Christmas pics

We went to grandmas house to use her backyard for christmas pics of the boys for our christmas cards this year.
Jax in his GQ outfit.

Jax was sitting on Raymonds lap on his sore leg and he screamed in pain and Jax just gave us a great pucker face.


  1. Lacey,

    He is so cute, I love the picture with the lip. Your boys have grown up so much since I saw them last I can't believe it. I hope you don't mind but I added Jaxson's blog to my blog site. I just made my blog private so if you'd like me to add you on, please send me your email address. Email me at
    Hope you guys have a Merry Christmas!

  2. Such cute boys. Carter is so funny, you never know what he is going to do next.

  3. I love the xmas photo's & your blog!
    Keeping little Jax in my prayers:)
