
Arina's story

Arina was born on Sept. 11, 2009 in Ukraine. I would like to think that her parents loved her, but were pressured into giving her up because of the Down syndrome diagnosis. She went from the hospital to an orphanage where she spent her first 13 months.
We found her through the only baby picture we have on Reece's Rainbow in April 2010. That's when we began our adoption journey to bring her home.

It was definitely a long, grueling process. But on Sept. 30, 2010, when we met her for the first time, it was like meeting the boys for the first time. Instant love!

We spent two weeks in Ukraine, visiting her every day, and getting the paperwork in order to bring her home. She slowly opened up to us more and more each day. From a stoic, quiet child, to one that would smile, and cuddle with us.

We had to leave our princess in the orphanage and travel home for the 10 day waiting period. It was so hard leaving her!
Daddy went back Oct. 26, 2010, and brought our baby girl home on Nov. 2, 2010. She met her big brothers and real  family for the first time!!

She slowly opened up more and more, and blossomed into quite the character. She had her first trip to Disneyland.....

And her first time in a bathtub! She screamed for the first couple of weeks, and now bath time is her absolute favorite!!

She had her first Christmas this year. Her first time on Santa's lap!


Our princess is thriving in her new home. She adores her big brother that shares her extra chromosome. At 16 months, after living in an orphanage, she can sit, is starting to crawl, and will stand with help. She also eats anything in sight! No feeding problems with this girl!

It was the most amazing journey. I look at her every day and can't believe where she came from! I can't believe the future that she would have had if we hadn't rescued her! Reece's Rainbow has many other children on their website that need homes. Please consider adoption, or becoming a prayer warrior for one of these brave children!

If you want to read our journey to bring her home, go to our adoption blog. We don't post there now, but you can read our adventure in bringing her home!


  1. Accidentaly found your Blog! Your stories are amazingg. you're a very strong an ind¿credible woman!! I deeply admire you now! God bless you and your beautiful family!

  2. I accidentally found this blog as well. Your children are beautiful and so precious!!!
