
Tuesday, March 4, 2014

How come I can never go through with it?
How many times have I said I'm done blogging?
And I always change my mind!
Maybe its because I've met so many amazing people and kidos
through my blog!
Maybe its because I know you just can't get enough of these two!

So I give in.....
we aren't going anywhere!


  1. Thank you! You cannot quit! I feel like a member of your family and that would be just unfair to not see your precious babies and not hear how they are doing! :)

  2. I would be lying if I said I wasn't excited.... Look how handsome jax is as the prince! And oh irina, that sweet face!

  3. I'm so glad you changed your mind. You're a great blogger.... I love reading your news. The Disney photos are great. The kiddies look gorgeous!

    Maria (Sydney)

  4. The picture of Arina & Jax in the Cinderella & Prince Charming outfits killed me dead from cute. They are adorable!

  5. Glad you changed your mind. Personally, I think I don't stop because Lillian's blog has been such a healing place for me. Glad you are back or still in or...well you know what I mean!!!
