
Friday, July 12, 2013

All done

Munchkin is done, and for once everything went smooth with no problems! I can't believe it knowing that Jax veins were a mess! 
A miracle happened, his right subclavian was actually open! It had clotted off and had major scar tissue, so I don't know how it was open enough for a port, but it was, so his port is on his chest in a normal spot!
Our wonderful surgeon said that they had four people, one at each extremity, trying for an IV, and none were able to get one, so he is so glad that we got this port placed! 
It's a huge security blanket for me! Now I know if he's sick and we go to an ER, we have an automatic line. Whew, that's a great feeling!
We are heading home now and I still have plenty of time to get last minute stuff done so we can leave bright and early tomorrow morning!


  1. I'm so glad to hear it, Lacey! I get a little lost on Jax's medical terminology, but hearing that things went well, and seeing the word "miracle" make me happy. :-)

  2. So glad it went well, and that you guys don't have to worry about finding access anymore! What a relief! Hope your trip goes great too! Hugs!
