
Tuesday, December 11, 2012

makeover time

I feel like this blog has hit a dead end so to speak.

I'm not planning on stopping the blog, so don't worry about that! I just feel like maybe it needs some sort of makeover. I notice a lot of blogs have a lot more technology on their pages, like ways to follow. Although I have no idea how to do that, I feel like maybe that's where we are headed.
Maybe a new look and some "up to date" stuff will make us pick up some more speed. I feel like we've slowed to a creepy crawl.
If you have any advice on what we should put up, please let me know!
I've also been busy working with Jax and trying to find a good ped, and a second GI opinion. Today I hit google and I'm seriously just going to go down the list of peds and go meet them all until I find the one that I like! A new GI can fit Jax in on Friday if I can get his records sent over, which might be the problem. Getting  records is a big, long process. Keep your fingers crossed that I can get them over so we can hopefully get working on this vomitting, aspirating problem quick!


  1. Reading your blog inspires me and keeps me focused on my goal of becoming a pediatrics nurse. And heres the kicker... Im 44 years old. But i will not ever give up because children dont ever give up. Whatever changes you make, im certain they will be wonderful. Please keep writing your blog. It is AMAZING.

  2. I design blogs with part of the profits going to my work with special needs orphans in India and the other part going to a charity partner! Not sure if this is what you are looking for, but check out


  3. Interesting...I've been thinking on ceasing blogging. in a funk.
    I will pray for Jax getting a fantastic GI doc and some answers...Lillian was looking at their pics and trying to say "baby" so cute. I told her their names and she nodded her head like she

  4. Hope you find some great docs for Jax!

  5. For me, it's convenient enough to follow through Google Reader and no need for any upgrades :) (there you cannot see the blog design, only posts, so if you ask me it's no need to update that either!).

  6. I'm glad you aren't going to stop blogging. I don't comment often, but I enjoy reading. I want to adopt internationally in a few years.
