
Thursday, November 1, 2012

Catchin up!

Trying to play catch up after the sickies infected our house. Arina is fever free, but her appetite is definitely still low and she still gets whiny and clingy. She still has a nasty cough, but that will probably linger for a while. I'm hoping Jax doesn't get it. Arina got it a week after Carter did, so although he's fine so far, we aren't out of the woods yet! Arina is only 4 days into hers!

Halloween was pretty uneventful. I'm glad we hit the Disneyland Halloween party, because our neighborhood was a total wash out! Past our house, not a single house was giving out candy! Arina was being such a booger, not leaving her costume on and running away, so daddy finally just brought her home! She liked being home a lot more, where candy was right at her fingertips!

Before throwing Arina into bed we attempted to get some half decent pictures of them in their cute costumes, before she had a total meltdown! As you can see, it wasn't very successful!

The day after halloween is another special day!
Today my beautiful Carter turned 10! Most kids get older before the parents are ready, but it feels like this kid has been 9 forever! I think its because at 9 he's had to work much harder to prove that he can play baseball with the majors. Although now it doesn't sound quite as cool saying your a 10 year old plays with 11 and 12 year olds like being 9 does! I'm so proud of him, he's accomplished a lot this year. Tournament of Champions and All Stars, and in November he has a big 3 day tournament and a baseball camp the week of Thanksgiving. We are excited for the camp because its coached by one of the high schools, so this is a great way to get Carters name and face out there. He's pretty unforgettable because not only is he playing up at a young age, he's already a small 10 year old so he looks tiny tearing it up out there! I can't wait to see where baseball takes him!

Carter, thank you for being such a good kid. My future student body president. Friendly to all the kids in school, and adored by all the teachers. The first thing I always hear at parent teacher conference is how much your teachers love you and how great of a kid you are. I couldn't have asked for a better son!

Happy Happy birthday Carter, love mommy!!


  1. Happy birthday, Carter!

  2. Happy Birthday Carter!!!

    Hope Jax stays healthy!!

    Love seeing your 2 cuties dressed up together! They are adorable!
