
Saturday, October 13, 2012

We got mail!

Something came in the mail the other day for Arina and Jax!
What could it be??

Its from our friends at Disneyland!
They found our blog, and how much we adore Disney, and wanted to send our littles something special!

Minnie Mouse autographed a picture for Arina,

And Mickey one for Jax!

They sent Micky and Minnie dolls, but wait.....

 whats underneath all that?

BUTTONS of course! Lots and lots of buttons!

Here Jax, a Mickey for you.

I'll just put him right here next to you!

Thank you so much Disney!
Now lets get some special needs kids in your advertisements, after all, you really do cater to them.The special needs community is bigger than ever, and out there more than ever. It would be huge, it really would!


  1. Disney is the best! I'm so glad your kiddos enjoy it so much...we LOVE Disney!

  2. I'm really loving Disney right now for showing your Sweeties so much love!

  3. this is fantastic, oh how I would love to take Junior to Disney one of these days.

  4. I wish I lived near Disneyland - I'd go there just for the chance to meet your family. What a wonderful thing for them to do. Surely you have brought them as much joy as they have given you. Hugs from Melanie in NJ.

  5. Look how many of us wish kids go to Disney. So happy for them.
