
Tuesday, October 9, 2012

That girl is pooped!

Little miss finally got to ride her bus to school!
She thought she was the coolest thing since sliced bread!

But five days a week of school is really kicking her butt, and mine too!
I feel much more stressed with 4 kids in school than when they are all home!
Because she rarely gets a nap with school, she is falling asleep wherever her little body finally gives out!

We are going to have to squeeze naps in right after school, because this girl is pooped!


  1. AWW! Sweet girl! She is so cute.....tired and all!

  2. She is so beautiful. She looks so proud of herself sitting on that school bus. It seems like only yesterday I was commenting on a video of a tiny baby girl fascinatedly playing with her hands, and here she is on the big-girl bus on her way to school!
