
Thursday, October 4, 2012

Fun adoption facts!

You wouldn't believe some of the questions people ask us concerning adoption. Mostly about international adoption. Some of these questions are genuine, most are ignorant and accusing.
I'm going to post some facts about adoption for these naysayers!

1. This one is probably the most popular comment made about international special needs adoptions. "These people adopt these kids and our tax dollars have to pay for their medical care".

When you complete a home study for an adoption, you have to prove that you have medical insurance for your family and the child you are adopting! If your adopting internationally, your income has to be at a certain  amount to qualify as well! People just assume special needs means social security and medicaid. That is just not the case. Arina doesn't get a single cent from the government. She also goes to a public school just like her brothers do!

2. This one is a personal favorite asked to Ray! "So your basically bringing in an illegal immigrant"?

Really people?? Before we can even submit our documents to the childs country, you pay nearly $1,000 to the US government to apply for their citizenship! That's where you have to meet the income guidelines, and get fingerprinted. We payed for our child to become a US citizen, and as soon as they step on US soil, they are a citizen!

3. I think I've been asked this one the most. " Why not adopt in your own country? We have plenty of children here that need good homes."

They are right in that there are a lot of children here that need good homes. Right now, there is no shortage of families waiting to adopt a child with DS here in America. We actually applied for an unborn baby with DS, only to find out that over 500 families had also applied! WOW! You don't understand how dire the situation is to these kids in other countries. Children here at least get medical care and good foster homes. You can't say the same about children in these other countries. I would never pass up the opportunity to adopt a child here in the US. But its actually harder, with more red tape, here. I really do wish they would make it easier, because there are plenty of willing families!
And this is my favorite statement I always throw into my answer to this question. "God did not create borders, humans did!"

The point is, every orphan child deserves a family to call their own. Children are our future, and we need to take care of that future!!


  1. People can be crude and ignorant...don't listen!

    Your family is perfect!


  2. I can't help but smile at every photo of your little princess and then I think about what her life could of been without your family. I think adopting from abroad, especially a child with extra needs is a wonderful thing to do, if only more people did then not so many children would be left to suffer and without the help to reach their full potential

  3. You tell 'em, Lacey!!! Woohoo!! And seriously? Those photos...that child could NOT possibly be CUTER!!!!!!

  4. Standing ovation on this one sister! Love it!

  5. It is mind boggling to try to comprehend ignorant people. Kudos to you guys.

  6. Your family has done a wonderful thing and your reward is in heaven, not within the evil naysayers. That's all that matters.

  7. Your blog is amazing! I was having a hard mom type day, kids driving me crazy, etc. But after reading I have to say what an inspiration!
