
Saturday, September 29, 2012

First day of preschool!

I can hardly believe my princess is leaving me and going to school! 5 days a week, just like her brothers. 
I get all teary thinking about where my princess came from. From a life of nothing to what she has now. How can anyone question that adopting these children is the right thing to do? 
She will take the bus to school, which I know she is dying to do. But it takes the bus system a few days to get her on their schedule. That's ok, I wanted to take her on the first day anyway!

 Come on people, when do we start? (Notice the Disneyland button in the pics? Always with her)

Ya, my teachers here! Lets go!

Later mom and dad, stop crying, because I'm a big girl!!


  1. she looks so excited about her first day. Love all the expressions.

  2. Awww, so cute. She looks very excited. I hope she enjoys every minute, and makes new friends.

  3. So gorgeous. I hope she loves preschool - my girls did.

  4. Love it! If I can ever keep Max snot free, he'll be back in preschool before March. Seriously, he has been home with a runny nose more than at school so far. They've called to have me come get him twice because they said his snot was green not clear. It was clear at my house - ha! He has a runny nose all winter long - he'll never get to go to school if he has to be snot free. If he was acting sick, that's one thing, but he's totally fine, and loves school, so I feel bad for him. I'm totally rambling now... sorry! Lookin' good Arina!!

  5. Yeah! Such a big the first day of school...even better is when out little ones get home! Smiles

  6. How cute! Watch out comes Arina! : ) I bet she will love school! Although, something tells me her Momma's going to miss her! : )

  7. She looks so grown up and I love how happy she looks. Hope she loves it!
