
Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Big birthday girl!

On a day that everyone is thinking about the horrible things that happened on 9/11, we are celebrating what we were given on 9/11.
The birth of a baby girl on the other side of the world. A baby girl that would change our lives!
I'll never forget when they handed her to me for the first time. This teeny tiny, quiet baby girl. I couldn't get over how small her little hands were, and how light she was. She was perfect in every way!

Now, nearly 2 years later, we are celebrating her 3rd birthday!
One she surely wouldn't be celebrating if she was still in her orphanage.
She continues to grow and learn, and soon will be starting pre school!
And she continues to change our lives with her smiles and her giggles!

Happy Happy birthday to our beautiful Ukrainian Princess Arina!!


  1. Happy birthday, you beautiful on the inside and out, precious little girl. May you continue to bring joy to family, friends, and blog readers!

  2. Happy Birthday Arina! You are such a light to this world! Love and Hugs on your special day!

  3. Happy birthday gorgeous girl - it is amazing to see how far she has come.

  4. I remember those orphanage pics like it was yesterday! Wowie was that girl in some need of sunshine. Look at her now! Happy birthday sweet Arina! hugs and smoochies from our bunch!

  5. She is so beautiful! I know how much she has changed your family. She is an inspiration even though she is only 3 years old.

  6. Happy Belated Birthday Arina!

