
Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Play ball!

Life is just a tad bit crazy right now!
And for once, its not Jax making life crazy, its this beautiful boy!

Most little boys play little league, but this boy is a little different. We found his amazing talent for baseball when he was just 4. Right now at 9, he plays with 11 and 12 year olds, and is still one of the best on the team. Here we've started private catchers classes, (the position he excels at) because this kid isn't in it for fun. He has high hopes of a college scholarship, and of course he talks about the major leagues. Now this kid knows that the majors is mostly about luck! There are a thousand kids with the same talent, but only the lucky one's will be seen! So he has a back up plan. He wants to be a pharmacist!
Every time he plays he has umpires and other coaches wanting his name and age. One of his coaches from this year tells people that someday he'll be paying to watch Carter play. I guess it helps that, like his parent's, he is vertically challenged, so his skill compared to his size really makes him stand out.
But with All-stars, travel ball, and his academy classes, he plays 7 days a week. This is what you do when you want to go far! No pain, no gain!

Right now we are knee deep in All-stars. Last nights game was a nailbiter. Carter was hit in the arm with a foul ball. He actually cried, and even after throwing a few times, he had to come out. This kid NEVER comes out of the game, so I was concerned that he was really hurt. I mean the kid was plowed over at the plate and stayed in the game. After that play one of his coaches nicknamed him "the rock". Catcher can be a dangerous position!
Today his arm feels better, and the only reminder is the baseball stitching marks in his arm. A boys right of passage into baseball!
So tonight he'll start again, and we are getting down to the wire, any loss now means they are out of the running for championship.
I swear I'm more nervous than he is!
After all, someday we may be taking this picture at a major league stadium!

Unfortunetly Carter's team lost tonight. They are out, and placed 4th overall. Not too shabby. It kind of stinks for him because he played awsome! He almost hit a home run, it bounced once in front of the fence! The kid is freaking 9 and barely 4 feet tall!


  1. Thanks, I enjoyed reading your post today. I got hit in the side of my knee with a foul ball once. It hurt like heck, but if I hadn't been standing just where I was, the ball would have hit my friend's daughter in the head. Better me than an 8-year old. The ball stitching marks in the bruise were pretty cool.

  2. he is gorgeous! All of your kids...but oh my...those eyes!

  3. Well, you know I adore your Carter and this picture ... wow. What a beautiful... I can call him beautiful, can't I??... What a beautiful, talented boy you have.

    Miss you and yes, beach day soon. Love to you all.
