
Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Baths and blankies

I got a new sewing machine for Christmas last year. I just barely pulled that sucker out last night! It feels so good to have my stuff out again, and I have my stress reliever of crocheting my blankets!
If you are new to my blog, I have a separate blog where I make blankies for kids with life threatening illnesses. I've sent out over 200 blankies, to 7 countries around the world!! But the blankie making slowed down around Arina's adoption and has virtually stopped since our move out of state. I really want to get back to making blankies, I miss the pictures of the beautiful kids and their blankies. I also want to add something new. I want to make blankets for people to auction to help raise money for their adoptions. I currently have 6 blankets in auctions right now to help families rescue their babies!
The blankie blog is a mess. The person that did the blog for me has vanished, and so has my blog! I have someone that can help fix it, but I have also lost the buttons. One of the buttons is what you click on to order a blankie. I have absolutely no idea how to fix these things. I've always had other people do my blogs for me because I'm so computer illiterate! Please email me at if you can help. You can also email me if you want to donate some material for the blankies. I don't have any kind of place right now that takes cash donations, I may set that up in the future if people would like to help!
Please, if you have never been there, go to the blankie blog, even though its a mess, the kids pictures and stories are still there. Scan through them, I promise you'll be inspired!

Another inspiration. Little miss princess has a new trick! I may have to start bathing her brother in the evening when daddy is home! The last two times I went to bath Jax, a certain someone jumped in the bathtub with her clothes on before I could get him in. The first time I pulled her out and she just flipped! So I took her clothes off and let her back in. What she wanted was to be in the tub with Jax! The second time we just let her stay in and daddy grabbed his camera. She loves to help take care of Jax. Is she precious or what??


  1. I LOVE these photos - thank you for sharing something so special. Sure looks like Jax enjoys the bath too :) I will check out the blankie blog .... I know a certain little girl who would love to be a recipient ;)

  2. Jax looks so happy in the last picture where your princess is helping shampoo (?) his head. Seeing him smile never fails to put a smile on my face as well. Thanks for sharing!

  3. Gorgeous - she doesn't seem at all bothered that she is wearing her clothes in the bath!

  4. so sweet! it certainly doesn't look like jaxon is minding the extra help - he seems to enjoy her company! :)

  5. So sweet! Love that you are getting the blankies up and running again!

  6. She loves Jax...and it looks like Jax adores her as well! So cute!

  7. Aww that his priceless! Love the photo of her washing his hair. He is a lucky little man:)

  8. love the pictures!~ rachel loves her baths too and signs bath after dinner. we only do baths every other day so you can imagine how upset she gets when it's the "off" day! lol!

  9. Em and her sister fight over who gets to use the blanket you made! I am so far behind on the T21 Afghan of their own project it is embarrassing,
