
Saturday, June 9, 2012

Future pilot!

14 years ago today I became a mother for the first time! Mother to a beautiful baby boy that looked just like me!
I can't believe that next year I'm going to have a high schooler! Aaack!

Ray and I have been super excited for this birthday for months, back when we bought him his big gift.
Now you know Mondo is a huge military fan. The boy can tell you anything about World War 2, and he can tell you what any military vehicle, plane, or weapon is. I've known since he was a toddler that I was going to have a military son. It excites me and scares me to death at the same time!
So for his birthday we got him in to a flight simulator of an F16 fighter jet.
Lets just say he was in heaven!

Being briefed!

Getting set up

Double checking systems.

Ground control ready!

A near perfect take off,

with total concentration!

This place was amazing. It had a room with TV's so we could see his flight, and also hear them talking back and forth with ground control.
This first video is of him and what he see's. Sorry its super dark. The second video is in the viewing room of his near perfect landing. Mondo is 301 when you hear ground control talking.

He made it back in one piece

Congratulations on a great flight!

Happy Happy birthday to my first born, still my baby boy Mondo!!


  1. That is SUCH a cool present!!!

  2. that was an awesome present!! i think you may have a future airman on your hands. you have 2 years to prepare, lacey.

  3. That is AWESOME!!! My dad is a HUGE airplane buff so I was raised around that kind of thing. Love it!

  4. Happy Birthday Mondo! Looks like a very fun gift!

  5. Jax and Mondo look a lot alike! Happy Birthday!!

  6. Happy birthday !! And what an awesome birthday gift!

  7. That is so cool! Also, have you heard of Civil Air Patrol? It's an auxiliary of the Air Forece. My 13 year old has actually flown a plane now in the cockpit. A licensed pilot was with him but he had control. They do some really neat things. You may want to see if you have a squadron in your area. I think he'd like it.
