
Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Big girl status!

A certain someone has declared big girl status!
Now who could those cute piggies belong too??

Well of course, since she is the only princess in the house!
She is thinking she is a very big girl.
After all....

She wears big girls shoes,

Sits in the big girl chair,

and eats with the big girl utensils.

Yes, I do believe we have a big girl on our hands now!


  1. such a big girl, she is just too cute

  2. She is so stinkin' cute! Love your big girl!

  3. She is so cute! And I know we've both said it before, but she and Claire are practically twins. Everything you post...Claire is the same way. Next time we come to Cali we HAVE to get these 2 together.

  4. Ooooh, just looooooove her!!!

  5. WOw - Max can't even use utensils yet - way to go Arina!!

  6. oh my what a BIG girl..and not to mention so cute and smart...I love how her attitude shows through in every pix!! smiles
