
Monday, April 9, 2012

How was your Easter?

How was your Easter?

With the exception of more than normal seizures, ours was pretty close to perfect!

Trying to eat the egg right out of the dye!

I'm the luckiest momma in the world!

Jaxson goes inpatient tomorrow. Anxious to get it going. Prayers are greatly appreciated!


  1. They all look great!!!!! She steals the show!!!!! But all there faces with their baskets were priceless. Jaxs face- he looked so happy til his sister went to love him!!!! Good luck inpatient.

  2. good luck with Jax tomorrow!
    Arina looks so adorable in her Easter dress and you're so lucky she lets you do her hair! Brooke is such a stinker...
    Happy you had an awesome Easter!

  3. The pictures are adorable!! I love how excited Arina looked coloring eggs!

  4. on yeah! I think that is perfection!! love the pix! good luck and goo vibes your way!! smiles

  5. Great pics, love the ones of Arina holding Jax's face. Hold still big brother while I plant one on ya! LOL
    Praying for Jax and all of you!

  6. LOVE the pics. Keeping you in my heart for tomorrow! xoxo

  7. I'm going to type out my prayer so I don't forget. Lord Jesus, please take good care of Jax tomorrow. Please give the doctors the wisdom they need, and the comfort his momma needs. Lord, your love shines through this precious little boy. Please take care of them, Amen.

  8. I will pray for your little guy!.... Jax we are all rooting for a quick recovery. Kisses from cali. <3

  9. Love Arina's smile, and how enamored she is with Jax! I'll be thinking of you, and praying that all goes well while Jax is inpatient! Hugs!!

  10. I love her expressions! You are a lucky Mama!!

  11. Your photos are great! Maybe these is the best post I've ever visited. Thank you so much!
